Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wild, wild, wildwood beach...*

*Bobby Rydel, The school in the musical 'Grease' was named after him. Learn something new every day.

Went to the beach Wednesday, Thursday and came home Friday. We went to Wildwood. I haven't been there since the early 1980's and we went to the Crest then. The family section with their hotels on the beach looking like Miami beach.
After the rain from our room
   Wildwood, I  guess is the older, more usual Jersey shore that you would see if you went to Seaside or Point Pleasant. It has the Boardwalk, where the crest I think didn't. It has its old hotels mixed in with houses and converted houses to hotels. We stayed in an old hotel, that had seen it's better days. The decor was from the nineteen-sixties or seventies. Which was the last time the neon sign was painted. It most likely hasn't been working in a few decades either. The carpet going up the stairs was worn and the rooms smelled. If we went for a nicer place we might of not been able to go. We are a little stretched from last years adoption attempt.
We left on time or close to it on Thursday, stopped for lunch at a rest stop south of exit 126 where Teri and I had a little argument. I have had time to think about this incident and I have a better view of it now then I did when it happened almost two weeks ago.
Our Wildwood Beach Camp site
  We hit the rest stop and everyone went to the bathroom and I got out quicker then the girls so I got on line at the Burger King, about eight people behind Nancy. I saw Teri come out of the crowd and I could see she wasn't happy. This is were it gets, oh I don't know, guess we have a difference of opinion over how things go. I lived for many years alone so I do things on my own. I figured out of the bathroom, get on line and get food and eat and go. No waste of time. When I see her I  get off of the line because I know she has a problem with something I did. She was concerned when I wasn't waiting in front of the bathrooms. She thought something could of happened to me and was concerned. It was one of those fights that just seem to jump out of nowhere and bit you and leave you wondering how it happened.
   We get down to the Hotel around four in the afternoon. We load the cart with all our beach junk
and head to the beach. The Beach at Wildwood must be a quarter of a mile wide from boardwalk to water. It is flat from the water to as far as I could see in the west. If last years hurricane had hit it would of flooded in land for a few miles. The tide goes in and out so far that the life guard has to move his stand several times a day. Maybe all of them do. You could be sitting at waters edge in the morning and by late afternoon it could be a walk to the water. I watched the girls go what I thought was real far out in the water then stand up and be now more then waist deep. It rained on the Friday and hard, but only a few minutes, the roads were flooded out. By after dinner it was mostly gone.
   For Dinner the first night we went to an Italian restaurant the food was good. The second night I said lets go to a place in Wildwood Crest that sounded good, but instead we walked to a buffet restaurant that was pretty good to.
   Except for the rain on Thursday night for about twenty minutes the weather was great. We went to the beach on Friday stayed until about two three in the afternoon. We grabbed something to eat at McDonalds and went home. Before we did that the girls got Fiddler Crabs for twenty dollars each. I didn't want them to but gave in when Elena's attitude improved on Thursday. They played with them, took them everywhere for a day or two and now almost two weeks later I haven't seem them or even thought of them in about ten days. I hope they are OK.
   It was another fun trip to the beach. Now if Teri and I could only avoid the fight we seem to have at the start of every trip.

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