Monday, June 4, 2012

Sunday in the Village with the family

We went down to NYU in Greenwich Village yesterday. I tried to recreate the original trip we, Teri and I took four years ago and they say you can never go home again for a reason. It will always be different.
  The World did cooperate and gave us a mostly nice day and it was even St Anthony's day in the village again, but it was different, we were different. I just didn't realize how different.
   We got to Furman Hall early and decided to walk around until it was time to go inside and we walked with the girls. It wasn't relaxing like it was last time. This time our attention was on the girls who were all over, who wanted to run to the next corner, who wanted to pet every dog that came by and it left us a little out of sorts.
  We stopped at a local grocery store to get the girls carrots and it pleases me to no end that they still enjoy fruits and raw vegetables after three years of an American diet.   We are lucky, we both still have jobs and we both make OK salaries for this area, that doesn't mean that this adoption isn't going to squeeze us a great deal. We are still paying off the first adoption and were in the process of remortgaging the house to make needed improvements when this came up. I've started a low profile donation letter to help off set the cost, but I think I've been to low key about it so I will have to set it up a little. So here it is Send donations to 'The Bridge of Hope 8630 Fenton St. Silver Springs Md. 20910. Put on the check for Anya and Leonid'  100% goes to their adoption and it is tax deductible. Now that wasn't so hard. Am I talking to you or me?
  We got to Furman hall and the crowd was smaller then the last time four years ago, I guess the economy got a lot of people. We were greeted  like old friends and I guess after four years we are. I would like to get more involved in this some day. I think it might be something I would enjoy alot. We sat in the back and had an enjoyable afternoon. The last time we were both intently listening afraid that we would miss some little bit of information that would make the hosting go so terribly wrong. This time we were relaxed and it was easier to pick up a few new ideas that we or at least I didn't know.
  We will be hosting some of the chaperone's it appears on a marathon shopping spree, hey it's OK, it makes it easy to entertain  them. We pick them up in Danbury, (I just can't seem to get away from there.) bring them to the Palisades Center mall, start them off at DSW and work our way around until they are satisfied.
  We got to get up in front of the group and tell stories about our experience hosting our girls in '08. We told the classics and Nastia even said a few words correcting who was in their underwear walking the dog and who was in their underwear skipping rope in the street that first day. To me it was the highlight of the day.
   After the class we decided to go to Lunilla restaurant in little Italy. This is where it went wrong. I wanted to do it and Teri only went along because I wanted to, we walked because it was only a mile and it was cheaper then paying for parking again and Teri is looking real good these days and she is more willing to take a walk of around two plus miles round trip then in the past and did I tell you we are sucking wind on this adoption and the address to donate is above ( wow, it gets easier every time I do it.) As I said before it was a wonderful day except for a little shower when we started. We walked past NYU, who was having some sort of street fair/career day or something and the girls wanted to run again and we got a little lost. We were going by GPS car directions and it took us around the block when all we need to do was walk in the opposite direction and cut about a third of a mile off the trip.
   Dinner was good, except it bothered Teri's stomach and she wasn't feeling good on the way back to the car so when she asked the directions and I said Mulberry to Broadway to third and she thought we needed to go on Bleeker and she wasn't feeling good and we pass Bleeker she got mad and said we should go this way and we went and I got angry and we did finally get to the car. I won't say I was right I'll leave that up to you to say and remember I had the GPS and remember too in this case it did not stand for giant piece of s..t.
  We got into the Mustang, it is a convertible and I got it twelve years ago at the beginning of my mid-life crises and Teri says we need to put the top up. I would drive around in this thing until the rain starts to fill up the interior of the car before I'd put the top up, but I was tired of fighting and so I just did it. It poured and if I had said no to putting the top up it would of put me in a bad postion of having to admit I was wrong so having the top up was not a bd thing. On the ride home Teri still didn't feel good and my leg hurt, but we did not stop or ask to stop I think we both needed to get home and when we did I took care of the garbage and the recyclables . showered and went to bed. That was eight-thirty. Teri came up at ten-thirty and I kissed her good night and we went to sleep both knowing even though it was Monday it would be better then the way Sunday ended. Again You can't go home again for a reason. Everything is different.

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