Sunday, June 10, 2012

The things we do for Wa?

Yea, that and all good deeds require retribution. God's just up there laughing his a.. off at some of us.
   At our meeting in the Village last week, which is good for three child credits toward your ten you must have to show you are a good parent and still think you know all the answers. Just wait for your first refuge to come along. Any way at the meeting Patrice told a story about how she went through all the trouble to make a special Russian dinner for her Russian kids and they preferred hot dogs. This is a perfect example of leaving well enough alone. It was like the time my father told me not to ever sit on the bumper of his truck when he is at a stop. What was the first thing I did when I saw him delivering milk, yes I sat on the bumper of his truck and he was right it was a bad idea, It hurt when he drove off and I fell. Good thing he didn't back up. Here is an other example of if nothing was said I would not of done it .
   I got it in my head to make some simple Russian dishes and decided to make a version of stuffed cabbage and a meat pelmani. I'm not good with dough so I made the Pelmani first and once I got the hang of it, it went quickly. I even floured the finished product before I stacked it up about six high. Is anyone seeing where this is going? I made about forty or so and was very proud of myself.
   Then I went to put them in the boiling water...
   I got about almost half way through them before I realized the Pelmani had become a living breathing mass that refused to come apart.  After the initial twenty-two went in and were floating Teri and I decided the remaining would not separate so they went in all together. Every so often one would get free and float to the surface like a dead body in a horror film. Their pink flesh showing through their torn and ragged skin. Their flesh boiled and toughened. Live and learn. The first twenty-two were OK and I had fun making them and will do it again. The stuffed cabbage remained in the refrigerator for another day.
  Friday was field day for Elena. Nastia kept asking why she could not do it and we kept reminding her she did it last year and the only reason she can't go this year, her sister was there too last year, is she doesn't go to that school any more.
   Teri and I set up chairs and I took some picture and it was a nice day and we got to talk for the first time in a long while.
   Teri and I went out to dinner last night and Teri's dinner didn't sit too well with her so she concentrated on her half pitcher of sangria, which in retrospect was a bad idea to tell her to get. She didn't eat and finished the half pitcher. She said she'd never been that drunk before. I've been with her twenty years and in twenty years that's the truth. She was real relaxed and we called the house to tell them we are on our way home. Elena picks up Nancy's phone and I can't resist playing Chinese food on her.
   It's real simple, in a Chinese voice I tell her to order Chinese food and asked her what she wants. She gets flustered and says we got Pizza. I tell her pizza no good, order Chinese food. Teri's in the background dieing of laughter. Down side the girls saw Teri drunk. Upside they saw her not feeling well today. I hope it is not a big deal as I am making it.

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