Sunday, April 29, 2012

Strange days indeed

It seems that when life is good and it's almost that right now, Teri is still working too many hours and gets up early to do it, you just can't let it be. Something comes up that makes you want to change it and everyone is going to secretly think we are crazy, and I would not blame you.
  We are going to host two new kids from Russia. That's not even the crazy part. The younger one is Anya ( pronounced I think as Ann-ya) she is eleven years old and I think she might of not been adopted  previously because she does not want to be separated from her brother, here is the crazy part, he is sixteen. His name is Leonid.
   He wrote a letter that was put up with their pictures and an e-mail sent out. I always hate these e-mails, because they are like bad car crashes, you know it is going to be sad, but you just can't help from looking. Teri looked at it at work and I flipped through it while I was taking a break from my new job. More about that later. In his letter, which I hope to post he writes about how he is willing to give up everything to get adopted with his sister and how he knows the chances are not good. It was a heart breaker. The difference between my wife and I was she called me, while I just wiped a tear from my eye and went back to work. She's a doer, I'm not.
   We started the paperwork officially with the idea just to host, but that has given way quickly to talk of keeping them and how to do it. As long as nothing goes critically wrong we will most likely adopt them.
   Last night Nancy and Thasha, everyones favorite next daughter came over to eat dinner with us. We all gathered around the table to eat garlic chicken, macaroni and cheese and corn. A good meal.
The girls at karate
   Garlic chicken is chicken nuggets, with butter, garlic and bread crumbs. It's not one of those heart health foods and with macaroni and cheese it was definitely not a heart health meal, but it was comfort food and it helped inspire a very fun dinner.
   I'm sure all parents are familiar with the kids game how long can you go without talking. The rules are simple. The kids see how long they can not talk so the parents can have some peace and quiet. Well this game has taken on a life of it's own and last night when Nastia said lets play it I thought it was a game not to be played outside the family, but I didn't say anything. Where this game is different is the adults play and the people who are out try to get the ones who are still in to talk. I find that the most fun so I always talk first and anything goes to make a person talk.
   One of the best things my wife did was to put macaroni and cheese on Nastia's plate.She doesn't like cheese and it almost got her to talk when she saw it. Their was a lot of laughs and it was one of those nights that you hope your child looks back on years later with a warm feeling in their heart.
   I got a new job, with my old company, Consolidated. There are new people and a few changes, but I like the energy and the relaxed atmosphere, it's been a good three weeks. At Marcus I'd begun to dread going back to work starting usually around Sunday afternoon and during the week I would have to force myself to think of something so I would not think about work and get myself all upset and not be able to sleep. Come Friday, I would not be happy the weekend was here because I would have to gear myself up again after relaxing over the weekend. It was time to leave. No problems sleeping now and no problems with Sunday afternoons and I feel my energy coming back. I am different from the last time I was there. My time at Marcus made me a better salesman. I can't deny that.

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