Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Times they are a-changin

The times they are a-changin
 a relationship is like a shark, it's got to keep movin, I think we have a dead shark on our hands.

Thank you to Bob Dylan and Woody Allen for putting into words the last few months of life. Amanda started living with us and about a month ago I started taking my daughters to the park and they convinced me to play basketball. They wanted to play games to twenty and play full court and I'd look at them and ask them if they were trying to kill me? I knew I was getting older, but I never felt as old as when I started taking jump shots from the top of the key and the ball would hit nothing. These were shots that in the past would at least bounce off the rim or slide up against the backboard, then fall off to one side or the other.
Time square february school project reading in the wildest places
Super Mario in Time Square
  We would play almost half court games, which means I would bring the ball out past the three point line and if the girls get the ball they would shot it up at the basket no matter what happened. The girls learned to cheat rather quickly. They would pull and lean on me and if I called a foul they would plead innocent. In most games I would pull ahead in the beginning as they fought who would get the ball and shot it. Every game I would point this out to them and as soon as they quit fighting they would pass the ball and I would loosen up on the defence and they would score and most of the time win. I think they have won half the time.
    Two big events happened this week. On Friday, my thirteen year old daughter, Nastia complained that she had a headache, but I made her go to school. About ten-thirty the school calls and says she is not feeling good and would like to come home. I pick her up and let her stay alone for a few hours. Teri thinks she might be getting migraine headaches. I'm a cold hearted bastard when it comes to pain. When I was sick, I still went to school. If someone attacked me with a meat clever and left it sticking out of my head, I'd still go to school. If asked about it I'd say I got a little headache, I'm OK. Now the flip side of this is when I was there I never did anything, go figure. Back to Nastia, she feels better about the time school is over, of course and enjoys the rest of the day.
   On Saturday, we have Nancy and Amanda down stairs doing something, I'm in the bedroom watching TV when Nastia calls out to me "Daddy" I go to the bathroom door and ask her what. She says " whats it mean when you get black stuff?"
  I say "What do you mean?"
   "You know"
   I say "No I don't, where's it coming from?"  The first hint I knew I was in trouble.
   "From my va-jin-ya"
give me credit I hang in there. "Is it really red or is it black" I ask.
   "well its really red."
   "Well you've just grown up." As I am saying that I hear giggles from down stairs. "Let me get your Aunt Nancy". I'm a little out of my realm, (you want to talk about wet dreams or shrinkage after swimming I'm you man) I know when to hand it over to the experts.
   Teri wasn't home, when she calls up later in a sad little voice she says " my baby's grown up"
The experts get Nastia all set up and she walk around saying " this things uncomfortable, do I have to wear it?"
   And of course I have to tell her I don't think they are supposed to be comfortable. Then the fun starts when Nastia asks me questions about getting her period and all my replies start with "I don't know I never had one, but..."
   On a lighter note, we went to see the three stooges on a Tuesday and used discount tickets, only spent ten dollars. The movie wasn't bad, it also didn't deviate much from their well known stick, which was most likely the best way to go. Nastia and Elena were in hysterics over the film. They also have this habit of talking to the screen and they need to work on there church whispers. So if you ever bring them to the movies bring plenty of  'shhhh's with you.
   Anyone  want to baby sit two adorable kids for the summer, boy is summer camp pricey.


  1. Finally an update. thought you fell off the planet!! You thought it was fun before, just wait!!! Oh boy, can't stop laughing. Soooo Sorry. All those women, girls and poor poor Joe.

  2. Congrats to Nastia. Joe- Now the fun begins 2 with PMS and soon 3. Have fun...
    Glad to see an update
