Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Ham is born if not a star

What seems like way back in September I got Nastia and Elena into the drama clubs in their schools. Both joined a week late. Nastia then got sick for a week and was dropped from the drama club. Elena stayed with her drama club and for the first several months we did not know what she was doing in the play, I kept asking if she was supposed to be there today, until one of the school workers asked me if she really wanted to be in the play? Finally I found out she was an extra in the NYC scene. Perfect for her first part, something in the background so she could get a feel for being on the stage and she could decide if she wanted to go for bigger and better parts.
   Tonight was the second of three performances, we saw the second and third. The first was a dress rehersal for the school. At the end of the two preformances, at the end of the cast introductions when everyone was leaving the stage, she didn't seem to want to leave the stage. Has a star been born or is it just the ham in her coming out. It was fun to see her up there. She seemed a little distracted while on the stage, but I think she enjoyed herself. We'll see what happens next year when it's time to join the drama club again.
   About my last post when I said we were going to adopt children again. Iv'e been asked to refrain from talking about it. The Russian's are a very proud people who take very seriously what happens to their citizens to the point that any child that is adopted from Russia to a foreign country is still considered a Russian citizen. So what Iv'e decided to do with the blessing of the Cradle of hope is to not use any names or pictures of the kids until they are ours, but I will still talk about what is going on. If it is not acceptable then I will wait to post anything about the new kids until they are ours.

1 comment:

  1. Elena looks so happy. Good luck with everything and look forward to hearing about your new adventure when you are able to.
