Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday at the end of our vacation

Saturday we ran slower then we had all week. I guess the thing that slowed us down the most was Elena taking a fake shower. Her hair was wet and she looked for all intent as if she had. Except her hair  looked greasy. Under questioning she refused  to admit that she  that she only got in the shower and wet herself. She took a real shower and we finally got under way about an hour late. we got to Epcot around Eleven and then went by bus to the animal kingdom, we planned to go back to Epcot later.
Disney World was closed for the second time this week and it was a good thing we went on Friday. The crowds were massive.
  The first place we hit at Animal kingdom was the lion king experience. Teri loved it from the last time we were here. It was good. the next place was the safari and we finally got on a couple of rides about midday.I got a Margarita, even eight bucks it was good, it took the edge off a tiring week. I wanted a second one, but getting drunk at Disney, even if it was the animal kingdom didn't seem right.
  We finished most of the Animal kingdom and went over to Epcot to have Mexican food, big mistake. It was wall to wall people and it took us twenty minutes to get to the Mexican pavilion. We knew there was no open tables that night but we figured we'd try anyway. Worst that could happen I figured was I'd get a Margarita, one of the best I'd ever had back when Teri and I were on our honeymoon and we'd eat somewhere else. The place was jammed we threaded our way along narrow rows of people while watching the second best display of fireworks I'd ever seen. At the Pavilion I went inside and was not surprised when I was told there was not tables. the girls went on a ride inside the building and about thirty seconds after the fireworks ended about three hundred people came in and the line that was about six people stretched almost out the door. The room was difficult to walk in it was so crowded. I squeezed out the door when Teri called and said she was outside. We had seen the fireworks and there was only the overcrowded takeout area that I would of considered eating at, but we were all waited out and decided to go to a Chinese buffet we'd seen near the house.
  The Chinese food was good. I sat next to Amanda and she is at the age that the most important thing in her life is her cell phone to the point that she was on it so much that just about everyone in the group made a comment. I told Nancy that if she let me take care of the problem I would buy Amanda a new phone in about two weeks after I smashed her phone and we got back from vacation. Nancy for better or worse said no.
  Well as I said we were eating Chinese food and I was sitting next to Amanda and she had Pop pop's phone out, I guess her battery was dead, does anyone see where this is heading? No, I don't owe her a cell phone, but my frustration level had reached it maximum. It was a bad idea for us to sit next to each other and I opened my mouth. I told her in a calm voice that her biggest memory of this vacation was going to be a cell phone and her reply was yep or something like that. I got bothered by the flip response and went on about how she was being a child and some other things and I finished saying that by talking to her about this I was going to have trouble with Aunt Teri over this just as Teri saw asking me what was going on.
  As if on cue, Amanda gets up and storms out. I tell Nancy I'm sorry but I just could not take it any more and Nancy says it's her battle to deal with.
  Never having been an Adult before who had to deal with teenagers who were acting badly, I looked back to the time when I was being a snot and my Uncle had to deal with me. I tried to remember what it was like and how he acted, I drew a blank. So like all my life , I winged it and let it blow over and acted like nothing had happened the next morning.

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