Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's Friday, tempers are short and the dogs are barking

Yesterday we stood in line for at least five hours, the day before it was about the same. Today was little different.
  We got up at the usual seven am, but there was not purpose in our movements, everyone was burned out. We ate left overs and English muffins for breakfast and got on the road about nine-thirty. It would of been earlier, but we had to send Elena back three times to properly dry her hair.
  At Disney World we headed over to tomorrow land. We wanted to get onto Space mountain and we intended to circle the park counter-clock wise to save time and steps. Well it sorta worked.
  We started at a ride called Stitches great escape, I think the girls rated it as just above a dud. These are the danger duo who always look interested, but not scared and maybe a little excited on all of those nasty roller coaster rides we have uncovered.
  The next ride was Space Mountain. The time clock said the wait was an hour. We got on at eleven and we got off after one pm. We then had lunch and went toward fantasy land and got side tracked at the Haunted House, which the girls said over and over again "this is not scary" . And it wasn't, it was just plain fun.
One of the Universal coasters, it's too sick
  We got out of the Haunted house and it was getting dark and we were still making our way toward fantasy land and it's a small world.
  We somehow detoured into Liberty square and got to see the hall of Presidents. I've seen this several time and I think the first time was at the nineteen-sixty-four worlds fair and either Johnson or Kennedy was the final speaker. Then I saw it on our honeymoon when Clinton was the president and now O'Bama is the final speaker. they still have Lincoln do the Gettysburg address and every time I hear it it means more and more as I get older. The whole show means more and more and makes me feel very lucky.
  By now it was dark and we were still heading toward it's a small world and we finally make it. This ride too I saw at the nineteen-sixty-four world's fair and it has changed. All the nations are pretty much still represented, but a few politically incorrect things have been removed and the song doesn't get sung over and over like it used to and at the end all the nations sing it together. In this version the music is all you hear and it is not sung. Also, the oriental children don't sing with an accent any more.
  We then decided to get something to eat and no one was really hungry so we got ice cream and ate it just off of Liberty square near Mickey's philharmagic. It was about eight I think and we got treated to the most amazing fireworks display I have ever seen bar none. The fireworks lit up the sky. There were more of them they went higher and they were brighter and they were bigger and there was more of them. It was amazing.
  After that the girls went on a couple of kiddie rides and we went over to Pirates of the Caribbean and the we went to the run away train and we ended the day after eleven at night at Aladdin's magic carpet ride another kids ride. It was another long day with lots of miles and lots of waiting. I would not trade this night and the fireworks we saw for anything.

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