Saturday, January 7, 2012

Home sweet home and what do we do now...

 We did as many things as we could the night before we left. We had a six-twenty flight in the morning and we got to bed after midnight.
  The alarm went off at three-thirty and Teri got up a little later. I got up around four to get the girls up and they were so worn out that I carried Elena into the living room and put her on the couch, they slept in their clothes , but it must of been too hot because I had to retrieve Elena's pants. It didn't bother her sleeping on the couch with no pants on and no blanket, should I be worried?  Nastia I carried second and they slept a littler longer while I pupped off their sheets and made the beds. I collected garbage and we threw out all opened items that we felt the next group would not use. We left some soda in the cupboard in hopes the next group would use it. And at about five we left for the airport. The first sight we saw after dropping off the car was a long line at the check in that we did not anticipate. Who would figure anyone would be up at five AM to leave Orlando. Teri said " we're not going to make it" and I thought she was right, I said nothing.
  We got our first lucky break when an official guy comes out and asks if anyone is leaving on a six-twenty flight? So we went to the head of the line and used out pre-printed boarding passes and our pre-paid baggage passes and hustled off security.
  We went through, being familiar with how it is done from the earlier flight, shoes off, belts off, money, whats left in containers, computers out of bags etc. It all went off smoothly and we moved quickly to our tram to the boarding gates. I redressed on the tram and felt cheap, like I'd had a one  well lets not get into that.
  The tram pulls into the station with everyone fully dressed and ready to hurdle the last leg of the marathon, getting to gate 33 and passing all the food places that their was no time for. An executive decision is made, by Teri to stop in the bathrooms while half our group peels off to get some food. With minutes to spare we make the plane and jet off back to reality.
  Two and change hours later we are in the metro area and most of our bags are collected, Vasanti's bag will show up two days later. Our car service is right on time and we are rushed back home.
We get there before eleven AM and what do you do now? Everyone wandered around for several hours, some ate,are we hungry/ some slept. Reality was beginning to creep back upon us and no one wanted to face it. It is amazing how much stress there is in our daily lives and how we get used to it and ignore it until we get the chance to get away from it. I went to work the next day my head still in the clouds, when my boss called me and said nothing is going on today, go home and I was glad, I was next to useless. The girls were just getting up when I got back and there were several hour more left to our vacation.

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