Monday, November 2, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Halloween, oh my!

The concept of Halloween is not well known in Russia. It is an American event and from what I know it started in the north east.
I don’t know what the girls know about Halloween and I don’t really care right now, because they had a fun time dressing up as lions and they were part of a parade in school on Friday. They seemed to enjoy dressing up as lions. They practiced growing and jumping around like lions to the point that I warned the ESL teacher that they were really into it. Everything at school went fine. They were in the parade and Teri had the day off so she was able to see the parade. Her camera battery died as she went to take a video of the parade.
On Saturday, it rained. It looked like it was no going to stop all day, even if the weather service said it was going to. The girls got into their lions costumes around two in the afternoon and we went over to my mother’s house. It was Teri’s father’s weekend with us so he came along.
We gathered with my younger brother’s family and my sister’s family, forgetting about my older brother, sorry Karl and Madeline.
Eric and Lynn’s youngest, Dennis was dressed as an army soldier, the older, Billy kept changing from one thing to another and finally went out with a hard hat and a reflective vest, I guess he was a construction worker.
Ruth’s two; Cory and Ryan were dressed as soldiers.
The six kids, Cory, Ryan, Billy, Dennis, Nastia and Elena went out trick or treating. They were joined by several adults. It ain’t like old times that’s for sure. They went to about a dozen houses before it started raining again and they came back.
Teri wanted to bring the girls to the mall to trick or treat, but we ran out of time and we went to the Halloween parade in Nyack.
It rained off and on for most of the time we were in Nyack. We found a spot close to the parade route in one of the bank parking lots. We had Tony’s wheel chair and we rolled him over to the Helen Hayes theatre, on the upper level to see better. Close to the beginning of the parade there were spots still open on the street so we moved closer for the better view. I thought the girls would be afraid of some of the costumes and the only time they were was when the wicked witch of the west snuck up on them.
The parade lasted about thirty or forty minutes which was long enough. We were wet and hungry. We ended the night by going to Banchetta feast at the Nanuet Mall. It is a very nice restaurant.
When we got home I received a call from my sister telling me everyone had stayed at my brother’s and the kid’s had gone back out to trick or treat and they had ordered pizza. I never thought about finding out what everyone else was up to. It is taking time learning to be a parent, but it is harder remembering that the kids might enjoy hanging out with other kids. I’ll get the next holiday right (yeh, right, don’t laugh so hard it could happen.), how bad could thanksgiving be?

1 comment:

  1. Holidays, family and friends make the best memories for all involved. It sounds like even the rain did not stop all from having fun. Over time
    sharing events with family and friends will become a natural thought and create wonderful memories to look back on and share thru out our lives, sharing will keep those memories alive forever.
