Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A little surprise from Mexico way

Teri and I love to eat at El Bandito restaurant. Now with the kids the cost is most likely out of the question. So on Monday we cooked tacos.
I got home earlier then Teri so I started cooking. The girls were home so I had them helping. I dumped some chop meat into the frying pan and
Nastia’s response was “ugh, no papa, no.” and she pointed at the meat. I laughed and continued to cook the meat. Elena asked to help and I told her if she wanted to help she would have to eat the meat.
Her response was just like her sisters “no, papa, no” and she pointed at the meat. I let Elena help cook the meat and then I added the spice mix to the meat, for some reason that got their attention.
When the meat was ready I asked if they would like to try it and they said nimnoga, a little. I put a small piece of meat on a spoon and each tried it. Elena first, she liked it. Nastia tried it second and she liked it so suddenly we were in business. We could feed them Mexican food, well at least taco and fajitas anyway. I gave each one a small plate with meat and some taco sauce. Elena wanted cheese. I asked each one to try a taco shell and at first neither one liked it, but almost as soon as I sat down they were after me to give them some of my tacos. I was smarter than they were. I told them they had to eat what they had first then they could have some of mine. This gave me a head start and I managed to finish just about all I had. I think they each swiped a taco from me. They ate well that night and we can now give them tacos. Or if they are like real kids the next time we have tacos they will forget that they like them and refuse to eat them.
School seems to be going well. We got up early today and went to the town hall to get some more photos for the new passports and get some papers notarized. It also made it easy to take care of a promise to show the people in the town hall the girls; they have been very nice and helpful through this whole process.
Now if I could only get to bed at a better hour then I have been.

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