Sunday, November 8, 2009

I am surprised and proud

It’s been a little over a month since we have gotten back from Russia with the girls and I know there was a time in my life where we did not have them but it is hard to remember when. I remember life was a lot simpler and easy then it is now but it was a lot less fun and interesting. No insult to my wife.
This weekend I had help with the leaves. I went out and started with the rake and had a large pile when at my side was Nastia, she wanted to help. I figured it would be like mowing the lawn. I would go from good progress to very little. She surprised me and was a good helper. A little while later her sister Elena was standing off to the side waiting for an invitation to join us and she too was a good worker and moved things along. But as you might well suspect there is a but to this story and the great progress we were making ground to a crawl when I saw a patch of grass with just a few leaves on it and decided that it need the leaf blower and of course the girls needed to use it and of course they were blowing leaves all over the place. They would blow leaves toward the spot I wanted them and then they would turn around and ask a question while blowing leaves where there were none. I had lots of fun. The girls got to jump in the pile of leaves that we gathered and they had lots of fun. It was a good Saturday.
Afterwards, Teri and I stayed up until two am watching a movie which we never do.
Sunday was bacon and pancakes, or a Bellini as they call them. A Bellini is a thin pancake in Europe and I had some with cream cheese and they were good. It was like a cross between a pancake and a crape. I don’t know if they ever had bacon before. We had to push them to try it and they have gotten pretty good at trying different things here. And like any kid they loved bacon. We have them eating pancakes with cranberries and walnuts in them and liking them too.
After breakfast I finished up the lawn and expected to see the girls come out to help, but I guess the novelty of raking leaves is one day. They did come out and jump in leaves later.
They wanted to go bike riding at Eric and Lynn’s so I stopped and took them over to Eric and Lynn’s and the first thing they did was go on the trampoline and that is where they stayed. Dennis came out later and the three of them got a beach ball and played keep away, usually from Dennis. Whenever Dennis got the ball the two girls would gang up on him and wrestle the ball away from him. I hope he had a good time. He did get mauled a little by Nastia and Elena.
The day there started at two and ended at about four. We then went over to Karl and Madeline’s so they could spend a little time with them. Karl and Madeline were insulating the walls of their house and we stayed for a short while, long enough for the girls to meet their two dogs. Sam and Malibu I think.
We then headed home. When we got there I got out of the car and went inside to watch TV. I noticed the girls didn’t follow, they were too busy playing their games (DS system) I let them sit out there a little while figuring they would come in, but they didn’t. I looked out the window and they are still playing that damn game. At this point I get a little evil and get my keys and press the alarm key and the horn started to honk. It took a honk or two until first one face pops up from the yellow light of the screen and then a second. They get out of the car and I’m laughing at their reaction. I turn the alarm off and they come in and for some reason don’t ask about the alarm. I wonder if they knew I did it.
We ended the day at the Hard Wok in Nanuet neither of us felt like cooking. I offered Nastia a piece of pineapple wrapped in bacon and she would not touch it, she likes both, never a dull moment.
   Having the girls a month has really been an eye opening experience. They have been really great to be around and I could not be more proud and pleased with them. Their progress in learning english and becoming Americans has been fantastic. I just hope they don't lose their Russian language. Getting these two has been the best idea my wife ever had and the reason I feel I was put on this earth for. I see a great future for the four of us.

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