Thursday, January 25, 2024

Middle of January and it's a lot of nothing going on.

It’s January 13th, almost the middle of the month and very little is going on. It is so common, so average, so we did this yesterday that I’ll end up talking about the weather and people's jobs.
The weather: We got our fist snow storm this past week. Ten or more years ago, that wouldn’t be an event, it’s, oh, that was expected, but with global warming snow storms are becoming rarer and rarer. Back when I was a kid you’d get the occasional snow storm just before Christmas. If you didn’t you’d definitely get snow by now, and it would stay. This storm we got maybe 3-4 inches. Port Jervis, in the upper left hand corner of Orange County, in the mountains, they got 13 inches. Within the week we got another storm, this one swept across the states from the Seattle, Washington area and washed all the snow away. We got temperatures in the 50’s, not supposed to happen. It was accompanied by wind. I was in bed hoping the tree on the western end of the north lot didn’t come crashing down into a house. A week later, the same type of storm with a little less rain. I guess that’s the usual now.
Elena is still working at Caliper Tire. She is really enjoying herself there. It’s just a job without a future, even with her sister sleeping with the future boss, Sean. She wakes up at around 7:35 most days and rolls out of the house shortly after that. She has Thursdays off and can sleep as late as she wants. She works Saturday, but on Sunday she seems to want to break records for the longest time asleep in bed. I let her sleep this past Sunday and she got up after 4 PM. What a waste of a day. She’d insist it was the best use she could put to a day. We haven’t seen Matt around much lately. Sometimes Elena seems in a mood. It could be her normally being herself or she could have problems with Matt. She runs errands for him and then there are times she seems to act as if he doesn’t exist. This all may be nothing. I heard Teri ask Sean if he knew if he knew anything, He didn’t. She likes to go out drinking on Saturday nights. Matt is so … about his chosen career, law enforcement, he doesn’t go out and drink, or maybe I have it wrong and he just doesn’t drink. Either way he doesn’t go out with her when she drinks. He also doesn’t like it when she drinks Mountain Dew because of the caffeine level. She’s been drinking a lot of Mountain Dew lately. One day she'll either bring him home or she'll bring someone else home. Either way we (I) won't know until it happens.

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