Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Elena's life, so far, Apple picking, Sean's birthday with his family .

Fall has finally come to the area. Previous to the last couple of days the weather was a touch too warm, warm enough to open windows at home, but not turn on the air. After a couple of rain storms, one a bit intense, the weather turned cooler and fall has officially arrived. Leaves are turning colors and falling, jackets are needed and the heater in my car again doesn’t work.
Teri is still looking for a job. She is starting to get discouraged, but she continues to look and send out resumes. Even if she says she’s not tough, I don’t know how she does it. Sending out resumes and writing cover letters, I’ve always hated it and was never any good at it. I recently looked at my resume wanting to update it with information about my current job. I got as far as writing the name of the company above The Crystal Spoon, enlarged the type and highlighted it. When it came to my job description, I could think of anything that was something I wanted to put there. I’m sure there is information, like how I’ve grown my accounts by anywhere between 80 and 93% over the last six months. I put it away and went on to this instead. I rather babble on about the girls then think about stuff like that.
Elena keeps staying late after work to talk with her friend Christian. Now usually I’d put quotes around the word friend giving it a salacious (Having or conveying undue or inappropriate interest in sexual matters) feel to it, but for someone who tries to act like none of the rules apply to her, at least at this point nothing is going on with her and Christian. Well I did tell you that Putin wouldn’t invade Ukraine and if he did the war would be over in weeks, not going on toward two years. Elena invited Matt over for dinner yesterday. We had a very delicious chicken dinner. There was butter, some spices and since I didn’t make it or help, I have no idea what else might have been mixed in with it. I do miss cooking. I went to BJ’s to get some stuff the other day. I picked up a case of Mountain Dew and told Elena if she stayed away from the energy drinks, I’d give the case to her. She agreed and I put it downstairs. That night she comes up from the cellar with it and I see her. She gives me a quick deer in the headlights look and when I don’t say anything she takes it up to her room. I figure a little bad in sugar and caffeine is better than alot bad power drinks. One day she will wake up with a caffeine hangover, like she has been warned and she’ll then be like all the rest of us. She’s still loving her job. Nastia just went back to work today (10/10/2023)She received workmans comp while out. She tried to go back the day after her doctor’s appointment on Thursday, because she’d had her fill of mother-daughter time. She told the Doctor to put Tuesday the 10th on the note, so when she tried to go back to work on Friday, the 6th, they sent her home until today, Tuesday, the 10th. She was so looking forward to going to work Friday. She purchased some carrots, sliced a pepper, added some cucumbers and she didn’t stay long enough to enjoy her lunch. This past weekend she dressed up and put on shoes different from the boot she’s worn these past weeks or well supported sneakers and by the end of Saturday night her foot hurt her. She’s going to have to be more careful, no heels careful.
She went to dinner with Sean and his family up in Orange county for his birthday. She told me (her first mistake) that she is going to let him drink and she’d drive home. She’d be driving after dark, in a possible rain storm on roads she isn’t overly family with going around a traffic circle where Rt 6 and the Palisades come together. I felt it was too much for her and her poor eye site to handle. I call Sean over just before they leave and ask him to not drink and to drive home. He agrees right off the bat and Nastia gets angry at me. They leave and have a fun night. THey go down to the Last Chance Saloon, down the street to finish off the celebration. Nastia invites me to join them and I do. I’m a little too old to wake up with a hangover (I’m not admitting I did, but I watched TV most of the day) and it was a fun night.
On Sunday, Nastia and Sean go apple picking up in Orange County. They bring back this medium to small size bag of apples. THey are all nice sized and look delicious. The bag of apples they drove up to Orange County for and picked cost something like $28.00. Sean was going to get two bags, but for that price he chose wisely, and got one. I may have misunderstand what they did that day. Maybe they didn’t pick them. Maybe these apples are special, chosen by the elven gods of the wilds of Orange County especially for a birthday boy. Maybe that is why they are so expensive. I really don’t know. This weekend they’ll become an apple pie or an Apple Brown Betty, who knows. Paraphrasing Shakespeare ‘An apple by any other price will taste just as sweet’

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