Friday, July 7, 2023

Forth of July and Elena spends more time with Matt.

Every so often I go off the path and go into the weeds of life. You know that place,everyone has it. It’s a place that you know you shouldn’t go, but you do anyway. For me today that weedy patch of ground is pictures. I love to take pictures of the girls to the point that they hate it, sometimes. I’m big into genealogy. My family tree goes back many generations and the oldest picture I have is from the late 1800’s. It’s of that scallywag (definition:a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way; a rascal. From the distance of 100 years anyway.), Richard Madison Smith. He married four times, but never bothered to get a divorce and he sold patent medicine (The term "patent medicine" has become particularly associated with drug compounds in the 18th and 19th centuries, sold with colorful names and even more colorful claims.) made mostly of madeira wine. When the girls graduated elementary school there was a moving up day ceremony. During the ceremony pictures of the students were shown on a screen, then a baby picture followed. The problem for the girls was the youngest picture we had of them was Nastia was maybe eight and Elena was maybe seven. It’s one of the saddest thoughts sometimes, you know off in the weeds thoughts.
Elena and Matt are back on again. She is going over to his house. She has slept over his house a couple of times. There is no mention of sleeping in grandma’s bed any more. I asked Teri about the permissive attitude we have raised the girls in since we adopted them. I was heading toward their rough first years of life with my point when she said “They are over twenty-one and they could move out.” I kept my mouth shut. The words ‘our house, our rules’ pushing against my front teeth, waiting for me to open my mouth, but I swallowed first.
The highlight of the weekend might have been the fireworks. I asked Sean to purchase some over in Pennsylvania one day when he was visiting his dad in Port Jervis. I asked for bottle rockets, sky rockets and roman candles, things I remember from my childhood. We shot them off after dark, between rain storms and they were fun, but not very impressive after watching the professional displays. The fourth was a big nothing celebration for us this year. It was small. Nastia and Sean went to an Aunt's house and were back in the late afternoon. Amanda, her baby KJ,Elena, Nancy, Teri and I were the only ones I cooked for. It was just hamburgers, hot dogs and salads, egg and potato on the menu and it rained twice during the day. That night we headed down to the Nyack fireworks. Last year the big memory wasn’t the fireworks, but the girl we saw passed out at the corner of a road we wanted to go down. Paramedics were there and I guess she was ok. They didn’t seem to be stressed out about her. The other memory was leaving the show took twice the time of the fireworks. We parked in the municipal lot and went up main street.
This year Teri parks on a side street in South Nyack. It’s close to Memorial Park and with my 89 year old mother with us a short and easy sort of walk (there was still the hill in Memorial Park.). We sat through the music, talked, or as twenty-first century people looked at our phones. I tended the citronella burner. It’s something we've had at the house for many years and I alway forget to take it out when we have a party. Teri said not to bring it, I said it was ok. This is where the story gets good. I’m lighting it up, getting several places on the coil to burn and from behind us a woman goes, “I hope you don’t mind if I move a bit closer to you guys. You’re so prepared, You have the citronella burning, keeping away the pests” Teri, always the sweet and helpful one, says, “Sure, it’s no problem.” Me, I sat smugly quietly tending the coil and just enjoying the moment.
The show ended a little before 10PM. We walk to the car and I tell Teri, the best way to go is to get on the Thruway, just to the south of where we are and head north. Teri’s not so sure, but does it anyway. It moves slowly south. People are heading in the opposite direction and traffic is moving. During our trip south Teri says,”You know it might have been better to go up North Broadway and hit 9W.” Now that might have been a good idea if you weren’t on the southern side of town and had to go through all of that traffic in town. Even with my expert navigation, it still took us an hour to get out of town. Sean and Nastia got home quicker than we did, while Elena and Matt were later. They’re into each other again so I guess the whole time she is gone was not just driving.

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