Friday, March 17, 2023

Merry Christmas Elena

Elena is supposed to cook once a week, just like her sister. Friday, today is St. Patrick’s day, so we are having Corned Beef and Cabbage. Is that racist behavior on our part? I know I’m 3/8th or so Irish and Teri believe it or not is about the same, so can we still eat this ethnic meal on this ethnic day?
Give me a moment to get the train back on the tracks…. OK, Elena cooking is the topic. Well Sunday Nastia and I made scampi, Monday, we had leftovers, Elena didn’t cook. Wednesday she was spending with Matt. Shwas spending it with him to the point she slept over his house. How was grandma’s bed, Elena? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge (Monty Python reference) Getting off the tracks again. I really don’t care if she sleeps in Grandma’s bed or not, she was the one who bought it up originally. Nastia has been allowed to go away with boyfriends, so why shouldn't Elena go away with her’s? Even if it’s just to Northeastern New City. (Where Matt lives)
I think we’re up to Thursday now. Well Thursday evening she was supposed to come home and help to put St. Patrick’s ethnic meal together with her mother. Elena doesn’t get home until late that evening.(Don’t worry, there were no hickies, or should I worry?). So about 2 PM she texts, "What's for Dinner” Teri replies, “What are you cooking?” “Idk, I have nothing” is her reply. She quickly adds another text, “Matt wants me over for dinner. If you want I can do 2 dinners next week”
Teri, “ Idk, whaddya think dad??” I finally jump in with, “ So the rest of us starve” For good measure I add two emojis, which I never do. Elena, “You’ll be okay” Can you stand all that sympathy? She then adds, “You got something in the mecroavay too.” That unknown word will get clear. Teri alway one to jump when she smells a little blood in the water, “The what???????”. Elena, “The microwave” I guess the first time she spelled it in Russian. Teri feeling her oats, “Oh and look dad figured out how to use emoji’s” I’m impressed she could spell emoji’s, I had to look it up. Elena jumps on the bandwagon, Wow. That’s crazed” she then realizes she texted ghetto and added Crazy* I add a picture of my finger, Elena replies, “Awe” and “ I’m your number one fan” Teri not wanting to be left out, “You hug your mom with that hand?” Elena, always willing to one up you, adds two fingers in her photo and says, “Guess what pops You’re my number 2 fan”. I tell her that will be our Christmas card and send her a picture with Christmas designs around it. Telling her
I just got it back from the printers. Thinking I might have gone too far, I say, “Have I gone too far,I’m sorry if I have.” She tells me no so I go into it would make a fine Easter Card too with little bunnies and a Jesus in the corner. Teri, having gone back to work cuts in, “People are working yet.” I throw a couple more emojis at her and Elena, “That’s okay ma this is more of an important matter.” Life without the girls would have made us richer monetary wise, but life would have been so boring

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