Monday, February 13, 2023

The night of the Super Bowl

After the hike, Sean and Nastia go to the grocery, where Sean goes full Italian and buys a bunch of food. Teri has already purchased enough food for an army, so with Sean’s purchases we will be eating Super Bowl food for a week. He buys chips and cookies and dips. Teri’s plan for food was sliced roast beef sandwiches, shrimp with horseradish sauce Wings, pigs in a blanket with chips and dips. I know why Teri likes Sean, they think alike, both are chips and dips fans.
Teri as usual prepares 90% of the food. I’ve been working in Elena's closet (yes, that room still) and I have a headache and decide to shower. After I’m finished I’m asked to do the pigs in a blanket in the air fryer and to do the wings. Years ago Teri showed me how to do wings and I thought I remembered how to do them. I cook them in butter and add hot sauce. Something happens and the hot sauce is nowhere to be found. I must have cooked it off. They taste good, but are not spicy. The game starts, it’s a good game. Everyone is sitting in the living room watching the game. Nastia and Elena are rooting for Philadelphia and the rest of us Kansas City. Matt, I think is not som much into football. THe girls enjoy the first half as Philadelphia dominates and would be way ahead if it were not for the fumble KC’s defense to in for a touchdown. In the second half Philadelphia’s lead dwindles and Elena and Matt go upstairs. Nastia gets quiet.
I’m in a pool and get the reverse for a quarter, but there is no payoff for that. At the end of the game, I look at my numbers and all I need is Philadelphia to score a touchdown and then Kansas City to do the same. It’s the fourth quarter, plenty of time for it to happen. Philadelphia scores a touchdown, tying the game. I have their number. Kansas City marches down the field and with about a minute and a half left, a player catches a short pass and is in the open. There is no one to stop him. He heads for the left corner of the end zone. At the one yard line I hear the announcer say, “ he needs to stop, there’s too much time left”, and just like that the player slides short of the goal by a foot. I’m thinking they’ll run some time off the clock, then go for the score. Well they sort of do that. The next two plays the quarterback takes a knee and then they go for the field goal. I don’t win my $700.00. Some other person on some other couch celebrates winning an unexpected $700.00 this night. They rejoice in their unexpected good luck or with my luck, the were asleep when it happened.. Everyone leaves to go somewhere else. Sean is staying the night again, so he goes upstairs with Nastia. Elena hangs out with Matt until he leaves around 11. It was a good game and a fun night.

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