Sunday, February 12, 2023

Super Bowel Sunday Morning and more food, oh, boy.

Super Bowl Sunday Morning Saturday night Teri and I, with Nancy go see 80 for Brady. I guess to prepare for Super Bowl Sunday. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. After work, Sean and Elena come in the door, Sean is carrying a bottle of Grey Goose vodka. It’s an expensive vodka. The girls with Sean go out drinking to the Last Chance Saloon. Before they go out they play a drinking game called buzzed with the Grey Goose. I’ll find the bottle (40 proof) three quarters dead later that night. Sean is staying over Saturday night. So when we get home, I let everyone know that Sunday morning I will go get bagels.I get up early on Sunday, about 8:40, because they are planning on a hike around Rockland Lake for 10AM. I leave messages when I return and receive no reply. Well, it is early, 9:14. At 10AM, the beasts begin to stir. I guess there is a possibility that they are still going out for their hike. I feel a little cheated that no one has or will admit to a hangover. They come down, still planning their hike. They tuck-in (INFORMAL•BRITISH eat food heartily."today's a special occasion, so tuck in" ) to the bagels. I bought extra and realized it might be a mistake when Nastia said,”These bagels are huge, I don’t know if I can eat a whole bagel.” At the table Nastia asks me ,”Why hasn't she ever woken up with a hangover?” I reply, in my best wise ass, “Maybe you haven’t tried hard enough.” I hope I won’t regret it later.
Talk revolves around hangover cures, drink water before bed, and slowly morph into why Matt isn’t coming on the hike and after he is contacted, why he can’t make it. And yes, I’m writing this as it happens…Elena gives a small clap and a yeah. Nastia leans over to Elena’s phone and it turns out Matt is going to make the hike. They then drift into proper hiking shoes. Nastia telling Sean sneakers are not good and she is going to wear snow boots. I do a virtual eye roll and try to keep my mouth shut., but don’t manage. Talk quickly shifts to Elena and her Timberland work shoes; she doesn’t want to be bothered buying online because they are difficult to return. Nastia burps for a second time. I point out to her that early in relationships your partner finds everything you do charming and wonderful. It then morphs in, oh, that’s what she does and eventually it becomes, oh, she has no manners, the pig. Nastia asks Sean what he thinks. He’s at the point of, it’s what she does. Nastia notices I am writing and asks what I’m writing. I read some to her. To prove a point, which I am totally at a loss for, Nastia bites Seans nose. Elena growls and they both do their evil deep voices (yes, you have to be there to appreciate it) I read that back to them, they laugh and Sean doesn’t appreciate the evil voices. Nastia tells Elena to go get ready for the hike and comb her hair, says,”Elena, comb your hair, you got hat hair.” Elena replies, “No I have bed hair. And I’m not going to comb it anyway, I’ll wear a hat.” or words to that effect. They debate for a moment or two which she has until she goes upstairs to not comb her hair. Sean and Nastia clean up and go into the kitchen where it gets quiet and some whispering goes on. Oh, please go on your hike already!! Matt arrives and Elena actually shows public affection and hugs and kisses him. Will wonders never cease.

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