Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Nothing to really talk about

Not alot is going on right now with the girls. I guess their taking a moment to take a deep breath, then watch out, oh boy!
Nastia has been getting up at 5:30 this week to go to work at 6. She complains, but I think it also must give her time to spend with Brenden. Which is what she is doing this Wednesday morning, I was sitting on the bed about 7:40 when she comes in with her back pack on and kisses me good bye. Wednesdays she sleeps at her friend's JJ house. Now I know what your thinking. What guarantee is there that she is doing that? Well at this point in her life she is going to do what she is going to do. And if it doesn't cause her harm, I'm not going to say much. She is after all almost twenty-three. Now when her kids read that line remember it is a different time. Don't impose your times morals and hang ups on another generation. Remember that people who want to remove the statue of Thomas Jefferson from the City Hall in NYC.
Elena is trying to go back to school. Her class, an automotive class keeps getting put off. It is now set to start now on October 25th.It runs from 5 pm to 9 pm. Her work is going to work with her, they like her and want to keep her. I feel that she is going to work/school herself into exhaustion with this class. I don't know if she will be putting in the same number of hours at work, but adding 4 hours a day to her day doesn't leave much time to decompress and relax. She's going to be going seven days a week.

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