Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Elena starts class at BOCES, Another Wednesday update. sorry no pictures yet

On Monday Elena started class at BOCES. I believe it is an introductory automotive class. The first two classes they were introduced to the car lift and removing tires. Elena bragged a little when she said she knew how to remove a tire because when she hit a rock in the road and her tire went flat, she loosened the lug nuts before I got there with the floor jack.A left over relic from a former life as a milkman.She talked about how the class was taught how to put a car on a lift and how to make sure it doesn't fall off and kill you. That I think is important. The class runs from 5PM to 9PM. The only problem is work has her working from 7AM to 3PM. She leaves and gets home around 3:30. She then has to leave about 4:30. Not enough time to do much. Her day lasts 14 hours.And all of this is Monday through Thursday. She is trying to get two days off from work when she is not going to school so she has two complete days to recharge. The class lasts until January. And yes she is the only girl in the class. I've also warned her that if they guys start picking on her to not strike back.Talk to the teacher, if they do nothing, talk to your mom or I and we'll do something. With her luck if she got ito it with some guy, she'd push him and the teacher would see her not him and she'd get into trouble. Today is Wednesday October 27,2021. Amanda got up a little after six and her boyfriend picked her up around six-thirty. Teri and I got up a little later and let the dogs out. I then went back to bed. On this Wednesday at 8:32 the winds of a noreaster blowing in the background occationally making the radio had to hear. THe house is quiet. Both girls are sleeping in this morning. I guess Elena hasn't work today. Nastia on the other hand has Wednesday's off always. I'm surprised she is not up and over at Branden's house.She also usually sleeps over at her friend JJ's house on Wednesdays. She has to be up to go to work tomorrow at 6AM, so she will be sleeping home tonight. Rumor has it she will hang out with Brenden after bowling and most likely during the day today, even if he is sleeping. Ain't love grand.


  1. Just wanted to let you know I do still check this every day

  2. I know, and for some reason I have five dedicated readers who find these two as fun and interesting as I do.
