Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The long July 4th weekend

July 4th weekend started on Friday the 2nd, Saturday the 3rd, Sunday the 4th and for some like Teri and I Monday the 5th. Teri and I enjoyed the long three day weekend.The girls, well they worked, but being twenty odd years old they managed to squeeze in the fun. With tough work situations, Teri and I have become sticks in the mud. Years past we would have at least marinated a rack of ribs or two and invited a couple of people over. The only person who came over was Nancy to do laundry, so a typical weekend, yes booooringggg. Nastia is spending every waking moment with Brandon and even some where he is asleep. We have tried to make her understand that she is chasing him, just like she did with David.I also went as far as to tell her that she feels unworthy of someones love and affection and that is why she chases. This all started out with Teri and Nastia talking and well it went down hill from there. I was away from the conversation, outside. When I came back in Nastia and Teri are gone.I headed upstairs toward Nastia's room. I turn on the hall light and then Nastia's room light. Teri is sitting on Nastia's bed and says as she is huggung Nastia, "I made Nastia cry." Teri tells me to shut the linext to a pair of my shoesght off. Occationally I interject a few comments and after a few of them Teri tells me I am not helping. I make one or two more comments before I realize this is a mother daughter talk and I leave. I'd love to tell some Elena stories, but she is spending every waking moment of her life either working or with Matt. Matt has the summer off from school and their scheadules seem to more allign right now. Elena did buy fireworks to shoot off again this 4th, but she didn't get home on the fourth until about eleven. They sit in the
corner of the dinning room. They have been there now almost four days, I'm surpirsed Teri hasn't said anything yet. I do admit Teri and I were given chances to do stuff with the girls. Nastia asked several time if we were going to do anything on the fourth. When we said, no she decided to go over Brandon's where they were having another pig roast. She invited us over. I said I was not going. ANd the reason I said no is a little evil and a little how the invitation was extended. The invitation was extended through Nastia, not through Brandon or his family. That is very impersonal. It's an invite that says to me, come if you want, but I'm not making much of an effort here. The second reason is a little evil. I'm done making an effort, or even, well, I can't say I don't care, but I'm not making an effort any more to get to know Brandon. If he comes over fine, if not fine. If Nastia wants to go away with him, the answer is no for as long as she will listen or until he quits being a pussy and comes over. Every girl I dated for longer than six month's I got to know her family very well. Some I stayed on friendly terms after the relationship ended. I know the mistake I make. On there first date I left him text he was there, not come to the door. That horse is out of the barn now and I have to deal with it. (oh remember all opinions expressed here are the author's and don't reflect the opinions of his wife in anyway.)or maybe I'll leave the barn door open and see if the horse will come back on it's own, might work. Depending on if it's got a pair.
Elena as I said earlier was over Matt's. Nastia most of the time was with Brandon. Teri and I did get to see some fireworks at Memorial park in Nyack with Kim and Nancy. It was on the fourth and we got there about eight. THe fireworks didn't go off until well past dark. For some reason they waited until nine-thirty. It was well worth it. The fireworks were bigger and more spectacular than the ones on th e17th of June or even the last ones I went to I think two years ago. THey lasted about half an hour. We then sat around in our chairs for about fifteen minutes to let all the people get in their cars and leave. We had talked about going to get ice cream, but it was almost ten-thirty by the time we dropped Kim and Nancy off on Catherine street. It was a good night. /

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