Friday, July 9, 2021

So what if they have lives

Elena is going away with Matt and his mother to some place upstate. Teri and I taked about it and even made Matt's mother call the house last month so we knew it was on the up and up. Also earlier this week she also rattled off what was happening this week. She was not going to be home for dinner and she was sleeping over Jessica's house...somewhere in there she said and I think I remember hearing it and thought I heard it wrong, she said she was sleeping over Matts. Last night when Teri told me she was doing that, she was a little out raged, I was more
outraged."What does she mean she is sleeping over Matt's,the hell she thinks she is!!" or something along those lines. Then Teri reminds me she is leaving to go upstate and blah, blah, blah. (that's just like yad-da, yad-da, yad-da, except it is less Seinfeldish) Well it turns out that Elena is going on that trip and she is going to be sleeping under the same roof as her boyfriend, not that that has prevented them for being twenty-somethings who are alone often or at least unsupervised. Elena went to Victoria secret the other day. I thought it was sweet that she was finally investigating being a women, but now there is this trip..... It turns out that she didn't buy underwear there. She went there to buy
bathing suits, I'm told. She put on a fashion show of the three she bought at 11:30 last night. I'd just gotten to bed when she comes in and asks Teri if she wants to see the bathing suits she bought. She puts them on one at a time and asks Teri what she thinks. I sit there and remember the scrawny little kid who on that first month with us didn't fill out a one piece much less a two piece. She's grown up too just like Nastia and I'm not dealing with either one of them doing that very well. We've only had them eleven years, they should be just going into middle school, not planning trips with their boyfriend upstate. Nastia helped me make dinner last night. Really she made rice and the vegetable as I sat around drinking beer and watching TV. She told stories and then she ventured into Brandon territory about how he wants to take her..... I was mean and said no before she finished. I should have let her finish, but I'm was not in the mood. She was going to say no about going, but I didn't let her. He has to get his ass over here and become friendly before any trip will happen. If she went anyway, well I've thought of all sort of punishment that would never happen. Lately she has not been going over his house in the morning. I don't know if she has listened or if he has said he needs the sleep. She did say he is taking her to a restaurant in the city near his job. I don't like it, but what can I do. She wants to go dancing in the city. That terrifies me. The city is not as safe as it used to be and Brandon is about as street smart as I was at that age, not much. /

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