Thursday, April 29, 2021

More Covid shots

Tuesday Nastia and Nancy get their second Covid shots and I think that is it for everyone. There might be others out there who have not gotten their shots, but right now, I can't think of anyone except Denis who hasn't gotten his shots yet. Denis has a reason. After all of his heart problems the doctors thought it is best to wait before he gets his. A neighbor who works in a prison hasn't gotten his shots. It's a little surprising he hasn't. If I worked there I'd want a shot. Nastia and Nancy go to Pomona Health Center a half hour apart to get their shots.Both walk in together and are able to get their shots immediately. Last night Nastia complains of a sore shoulder and an upset stomach. This morning, Wednesday Nastia is up at seven-fifteen waiting for Branden to pick her up. As she is getting ready to go over Branden's house she says it's just her shoulder where she got the shot that's sore. It's going to be hot today so Nastia is wearing a summer dress. It is short on her and she knows it. She says she is wearing shorts under the dress. The short stick out from the bottom of the dress and look like fancy underwear. I don't think the combination really works, but I let her
go anyway. Usually she drives over stays for a while, then goes to work. When she is over there she says Branden is sleeping, so she sleeps next to him...hmmmm. Elena this morning got up a little later about eight. Her plan is to go mow Nancy's lawn and then hang out with Matt. I hope she comes home to shower after mowing Nancy's lawn, it is going to be 85 today. I meet the two of them at the bowling alley for the final games of the season. It's been a bit of a disappointment this year. I bowled very uneven this year. Elena saves the best for last. In the first game she bowls 139 and the second a 151.Because of Covid there is no bowling dinner so after the final games the trophys are handed out. Elena gets a trophy for high female game. I don't remember what that was. Either way it was over 151. Last night I go upstairs to kiss the girls good night. I knock on Elena's slightly open door and she say wait she is getting dressed. I look toward her bed where her phone is pearched on her bed and see Matt disappear from the screen. I kind of quietly laugh and leave. Nastia's light is out so I head to bed. Later Elena comes into our room and says good night.

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