Wednesday, April 21, 2021

ywah, it's real easy to get the Pfizer vaccine?

My sister got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, she's fine after a few days of aches and pains. Teri got the Moderna vaccine. She got a small rash and some aches and pains. My mom got Moderna and she came through with flying colors. I got a first shot of Pfizer on March 19,2021. My card said the second shot is April 9th at 9:15. It's a Friday and I have the weekend if I feel bad to get over it. Teri disputes the following, but I remember it like it was carved in my brain.Teri says her vaccine appointment is for Wednesday April 14th, I tell her mine is for the 9th. She says mine can't be first since she got her shot first. I think, ok, she has to be right. I blindly follow her for maybe the first time in my life. I miss my shot. So, Teri the bulldog, she is and yes that is a very high compliment, finds me a new shot for Monday at 4:15. Not perfect, but it'll do. Today I leave work early and head over to Pomona Health Complex. I get there early by about fifteen minutes. I get on a line of about fifty people (I counted, I was forty-fifth. What else are you going to do.)After about ten minutes a women starts walking the line asking if there are any four o'clock people on line. They rise their hands and are escorted inside. I move up about ten feet. I start reading on my phone. The line walker is back. She asks if there are any Pfizer people on line, She also asks if there are any more four o'clock people. I get off the line with one other person. I start to head to the doors when she stops me. In a low and conspiratorial tone she tells me Pomona is out of Pfizer, but RCC has the good stuff and it is wide open. We both give an evil smile. Those poor souls infront of me will never know. I hop in my car and I know the back roads of this area having gone to RCC and delivered milk in the area for years. So I shot down School House road or something like that and come out onto New Hempstead road. I hang a quick right and zip though a landscape that is unfamilar except for the names of the roads. I arrive at RCC in minutes. I walk in tall and proud. I'm getting my second Covid. The first hint of trouble is when the fancy thermometer that shows your face doesn't work. I start out getting very close to it. The aide says to move back, further, further, further...further. It feels like they were trying to get rid of me.Another step and I'll be ouitside. Finally the screen detects a mask. Does the maker of this unit know something about the future use of masks that I don't? The aide finally gives up and uses a sensor thermometer like the bowling alley does. I don't think it worked either, but they move me on to the next satation.First or second, I'm asked. I proudly say second Pfizer. I pointed to the closest table.A nice looking gentleman in a not light, but not dark suit is about to get a fury I don't even know I hold. I pleasently say, Hi, I'm here for my second Pfizer. He asks if I have an appointment, I say no, Pomona sent me (you know, like I got a connection, man) He replys something like, I don't know why they keep sending people over here. The best I can do for you is get you an appointment at Good Sam for tomorrow, say about eleven? I try not to unload on this poor soul who has been here all day and was most likely the loser in who will work the Covid site at RCC today, but I do. It starts slowly about how I have taken off half a day from work and I can't afford to take another day off. He says something, I reply, I'm sixty-three years old, I should be at my earning peak, but I'm at a crap job(pay wise yes, job satisfaction, no) that pays me what I made as a twenty year old and I'd like to retire (not really) and I'm not going to be able. I feel a pain in my neck that starts somewhere in my shoulders where I keep all my tension. It radiates up through the right side of my neck then up into my head and I feel a headache starting on the right side of my head. I start to leave then turn around and tell the poor guy to scheadule me. Maybe when I calm down I'll want to go. He tells me to write my name and phone number on a list that is full from top to bottom.I put the information in at the top above the information line. Before I go I tell the guy, I'm sorry I unloaded on him. He say he understands. I feel sorry for him as I leave. Walking out of the fieldhouse I'm cursing and talking to myself. If someone were to notice me they might assume this is a side effect of the Covid shot and run for the hills. I get in my car hit the wheel, curse a whole bunch of times and finally pick up my phone to call Teri. I tell her about my adventure. Even though she doesn't remeber my version of why I missed my first appointment she is sorry I've gone through this. I tell her I will be home soon, about half an hour. My sirius radio stopped working about two weeks ago and only plays commercials so I think it is time to finally get that fixed. I'd done it last week and it seemed fixed for a day until I changed the channel. A calm fifteen minutes later after two tech guys I realize all my presets had been wiped out and it has been working for the last week. I don't tell the second tech helping me. I reset my presets and decide to take a slow leisurely drive home. It makes me angry to drive Viola Road these days so I head toward Route 59 where all the changes that have happened over the last thirty year I know about. I drive down 59 pass where the Hub bowling Ally was and where I was a menber of the Golden Lions bowling league. I remember the strip club down the road from it that I used to stop in when I'd had a bad night bowling or just felt a little lonely. I pass the Route 59 Drive In where I saw Star Wars and the site where a Pathmark Supermarket used to be. I knew a girl who used to work there. About an hour or more after my call to Teri I'm on Kings Highway and she calls, Is everything alright? I reply yes even though I am calm on the outside my anger still burns on the inside. At home I try to look up sites for Pfizer shots through the county web site. Everyone has no Pfizer. I give up and let my anger bubble up. closing my lab top a little to hard surprising Teri, she jumps some. A little later she says Walgreens has shot available, why don't you go and book one. I get on the Walgreens site and they have shot for tomorrow and they have shots in the morning. I book an 8:35 shot. It's a miracle. The next morning I get up a little early and go to Walgreens in Stony POint. I like Stony Point. I really don't
like Good Sam Hospital, don't ask why. I get to Walgreens at 8:05 and go in. I'm third on line and they take me imediately. I have paperwork I printed out from last night. It has a water stain on it from a bottle I put on it t omake sure it din't fly away. I hand it to them anyway. The women glaces at it ask my a question I missed and tells meto sit down and wait. A few minutes later I guy with a needle invites me behind a curtin and sticks me in the arm. While he is doing this he menations that they have an excess of supply and if I know anyone who needs a shot to send them up. After my shot, I feel a weight lift from my shoulder I didn't know was there. I'm told in two weeks I'll be full vaccinated. While I'm waiting to see if the shot bothers me,I call Pomona Health Center to tell them about the excess at WaLgreens. I get recording only. So I call a few people and all of them have gotten their shots. A day later I feel fine

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