Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter 2021

As Covid starts to fade, Easter this year is better. Elena has gotten both of her shots, Nastia,Teri, Nancy and I have gotten our first and are going for our second soon. Teri and I this week (Wednesday and Friday) And Nastia and Nancy, I think are next week. Dennis is doing better. The second surgery went well and they put a pace maker in to make sure his heart has no problems. He'll be on blood thinner for the rest of his life, but he will be alive, thank God. He was born with this heart problem and I'd heard it would be a problem, but I always thought it wouldn't be this week, if you know what I mean. Nastia asked me a question the other day: why don't we have large family dinners with the relatives? I guess she doesn't remember the Christmas dinners at Lynn and Eric's. I told her we used to, but back a few years ago it seemed simpler to just eat at home.I think it'd time to look into family gatherings again for the holidays. Nasita asked earlier in the week if she could go over to Brandon's after Easter dinner. We said no, but he is welcome over her. Around three in the afternoon Easter day Nastia brings him over and I begin to wonder if he is eating with us. He wasn't. Nastia had brought him over to socialize and it was nice. We spent about a half hour or so talking before he left. He is coming over for Tacos on Wednesday. Both boyfriends were coming, but Matt couldn't make it. There will be BBQ's and a pool this summer enough for everyone to get together. I'm feeling like we might have a life again sometime this summer. Easter dinner was a little later in the day then usual. Both girls worked. Elena until 3:30, Nastia until 5. Dinner was at six. Teri made the ham and the pineapple casserole (contact me I'll give you the recipe, it's real good.) Just before dinner, I stepped in and made the mac and cheese and helped Nastia make her muscles (from frozen, real hard!). I also did the asparagus. The trick to good asparagus is bring the water to a boil with two chicken boullion cubes in it. Put the cut asparagus (cut the woody ends off, leave the rest whole) into the water and turn it off. After making your mac and cheese stick a fork in some of the asparagus to see if they stick or slide off. If the majority side off, their done. In regular time that is about ten to fifteen minutes. We ate a little late about six-thirty. The food was great, the ham a little salty, but that is the luck of the draw with ham. We cleaned up. Nanacy went home too early. Teri and I would have liked her to stay a little longer to have some dessert, but she wanted to go home and take care of Neval, her dog. Elena went upstairs, Nastia spent some time with Teri and I watching a movie on Netflix called finding Ohana. It was fun to have her sit with us. I miss Elena being there.
Lynn posted this picture on facebook the other day. It has gone around the family. Someone is soo sweet and goofy in the picture. Maybe she'd had enough of people taking pictures or someone said give big smiles now and she didn't have the face big enough for that smile.

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