Thursday, April 8, 2021

Another Wednesday

It's another Wednesday, but it was also a beautiful spring day with temperatures around 70.Elena and Matt went to a
local park and found some Miller Dairies bottle caps. She bought some home and I added them to my collection of Ancestry stuff. My dad worked at Miller Dairies from around 1952-4 until they were sold and closed sometime around 1972. These caps went on top of glass bottles most likely during the fifties I'd think. Nastia spent Tuesday night at her friend's Jesse's house. She goes over there because she and Jesse can smoke pot over there. While she was over there, Jesse and her mother were told the both of them could go and get their Covid shots at CVS. Jesse's mother asked Nastia to watch the chicken on th estove and to turn it over in a few minutes. She was left to watch the chicken and Jesse's son who is handicapped. Now Nastia is afraid to get burned and hates to deal with hot things to the point of it almost being phobic.So of course when she is trying to turn the chicken Jesse's son is annoying her, something to do with a knife. I got to bowling about ten after five. Nastia and Elena were outside with Jesse waiting for me. Nastia climbs up on my car to say hello to me through the sun roof of my car. Elena says hello in the more tradation way by waiting for me to get out of my car. We are in sixth place and it doesn't look like we are going any where after two weeks ago. This week we played a team we could have and should have beaten. We lost the first game and won the second game, but lose total pins, worth a point by one pin.It looks like sixth place it is. A week or so ago I wanted Matt and Brandon to come over for dinner again. Matt was going to come over, but he couldn't make it for last night. So after bowling just Brandon was coming over. Nastia was supposed to be picked up from bowling by him, but when she called him he was just getting up. He works the over night shifts mostly. Nastia tells him to met her over at our house and Nastia comes home with me. Brandon being late gives us time to finish preparing the tacos. Nastia had cooked up the meat and grated the cheese. I cooked up a whole mess of corn shells and warmed up a whole mess of flour shells. Brandon had two tacos, I think. I wonder if he liked them? I won't say anything. He could have just been not hungry. Teri, Nastia, Brandon and myself sat around and talked until about 10:30. Elena went upstairs to shower and talk to Matt.The conversation is wide ranging. We talk about the hasidic's buying Nyack College and not following the rules they agreed to. I get to angry about that subject so while they talked about it I went into the kitchen and turned on the Yankee game. It is extra innings and Rob Manfred's little league rules are coming into play again to cause the Yankees to lose again.In extra innings starting this year both teams start the inning with a runner on second. I hate it. So I went from a topic I really get upset about to watching the Yankees lose by a rule I really hate. I return to the table and hear Nastia talking about hanging out in Brandon's bedroom. I remember what went on in my bedroom with my girlfriend and I hear Teri's voice raising saying something like, "You hang out in his bedroom??" Nastia replys, "Nothing happened, it's too early." yeah, it's too early until it's not, but she's twenty-two and in her shoes at twenty-two..... As it ticks past ten PM, I'm starting to realize I'm not going to be watching TV tonight. Elena and I cleaned up after dinner, so there is nothing to clean up. It is getting late and I have to shower and both Teri and I have work tomorrow. So when Brandon says it is about time for him to leave I wait for him to get up. He doesn't. About fifteen minutes later he says it again, so this time I stand up and so does he. Everyone else follows. Nastia walks Brandon out to his car. Teri heads upstairs and I go down stairs to shower. It was a good night and we'll have to do it again. /

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