Monday, December 7, 2020

Nastia goes on a date and Elena just keeps rollin along.

You'd think a pretty girl like Nastia would have boys chasing after her like dogs in heat. There is at least one of her male friends who'd like to date her, but he has gotten himself stuck in the friends zone. He is also a little weird and needs to grow up. He is not a bad looking kid. When he grows up he might get a little more then passing interest from girls, but probablly not Nastia. Nastia right now has specific wants in a boyfriend.The darker the better and she has this thing about abs. At her age I'm sure we all had our list of wants in the opposite sex. I always s had this thing for dark haired women. And I always seemed to date Italian women because at the time I didn't know I was searching for a greater sense of family. Nastia goes on a date in the afternoon, on a Sunday with a brother of a friend of her cousin, Amanda. His name is Brandon. Right now he is a doorman in the city. He has been doing it for about a year. I think Nastia said he studied broadcasting in college. They went out to eat lunch at a dinner. Then they hung out for a while and finished the date off with some pizza down the corner. During Covid, there really isn't anything you can do while on a date. Elena, the closed book has let a few secrets out of her closet about what she likes in boys. I don't think or maybe I don't know if she has a look she likes. I do know she does have a type. She doesn't want a boyfriend or someone she hangs around with to boss her around. If he does, he goes. She has been hanging around with Mathew for a while. I can't say dating, but she has brought him dinner on occation while he has been at work and she does spend sometimes a good poration of the night face timing him. She still says she is not dating him. And as far as I know she is not having sex. There was talk of her going back on the pill, but being the male in the house I have to ask about these things if I want to know and sometimes I do. She still gets real moody at times and like last night it bought the worst out in me. She wanted to borrow my car and she was told she has to put in contacts. She says the doctor says her eyes are good enough to drive at night without them. I say my car, my rules and other rather nasty things. I was trying to be funny about it, but I think it all came out nasty. She get angry and leaves. Later when she goes to leave I talk to her. Ever since she got real angry at me and accused me of being nasty, then saying I'm sorry. leaving the impression my apologies are hollow, I always think twicw before I say I'msorry. She never does. This time I took her in my arms and told her sometimes when she is in a mood, it bring out teh worst in me and I left it at that. I kissed her and told her to be safe and she left. Her monsters were not seen.She came home several hours later and seemed in a good mood. I guess hanging out with a friend can help keep the monsters in the closet.

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