Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Oh, Mother.....s day

For Teri's birthday, I have to admit I got a ten out of ten. For our COVID-19 anniversary I punted, in all honesty I shot it all for her birthday and I figured I could just give her a card for it and I maybe got a half a point for that. It was not well received, but she was still glowing from her birthday, so I was safe.
Around 3pm last weeknd Teri wants to order from this place called GRUB. She volunteers me to call and I put it off until 6pm, because I don't want to eat that early. When I call, they tell me they don't take orders after 4pm. Teri is not a happy camper. So this weekend, Mother's Day, COVID-19 edition I'd been told already Teri wants to order from them for Mother's Day. I'd been warned.
I started Saturday, May 9th a cold and windy day with snow showers doing some work at home for The Crystal Spoon. Sunday, a warm and sunny day in the low 60s, I went out and did yard work. Afterwards some more work for The Crystal Spoon. My job at The Crystal Spoon is not difficult. Once you learn what to do and then prioritize most everything runs smooth. It can get mind numbing, so after working for a while I go to take a nap. Just as I am dozing off Teri comes home and wakes me up wanting me to make the call to GRUB. I, having learned I need to respond to her needs, roll over and tell her I'll do it in a little while (yeah, I know, men, but the only other choice is women and boy they always seem to wake you up at the worst time) I get my phone and look up GRUB's website. I ask Teri what am I ordering. She sighs and says the same order from the other night and yes, I ask what is that? As she is telling me I see the website says it closed. This is not going to work. We spend the rest of my nap time trying to determine what we are going to order and from where. It's Sangria's, but we just had it, what about this place, no I'm (her) not in the mood for it. This goes on and on and we keep circling back to either Banchettos Feast in Nanuet or to Sangria's. Banchettos has an offer I don't really thing much of. It's got wine, I'll drink because no one else will drink wine and the selection is too limited. It say four and I forget the word they use, but it makes it sound like your
getting four dinners when you are getting two dinners and two sides. I'm turned off by deceptive advertising. We end up ordering from Sangrias, the shrimp and chicken scampi. I make a pretty good one thanks to Fred, a long gone friend's help. But it was Teri's day so I agreed to order it. When we get it home and I take off the top I think this is not going to feed five people. It does and it seems not one left hungry. There were also no left overs. Teri had me order a quart of  Strawberry Margaritas. She takes a sip and says, "Oh. it's strong, you want mine." and pours it into my glass. Nastia does the same and I am already on my second or was it my third. Just before dessert I am telling a story about what I don't remember, but I get interrupted and I restart where I left off, saying something like, "And your mother said..." but I get interrupted again. So again I restart, "and your mother said..." Elena the wise ass makes a comment about being stuck or getting old and forgetful, so I start again, but this time I laughing and have to start again which only makes it worse. So after that every few minutes I tap Elena on the arm and say,"and your mother said..." and every time I do I laugh some more. I was having too much fun and I thought it would be a good idea to stop drinking the Margaritas. If I was younger, I'd have finished the quart. And yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks, but a wife? At this point Teri, god love her goes into all the times I drank and ruined things. It was a short list and she had to throw a few sick days into it. I manage to refute each one and the others like that time in Vegas, but you know what they say about what happens in Vegas and all. Maybe I wrote about it on my other blog What About Me, under sex, drugs and Rock and Roll.
     When I was planning a brunch, I bought cookies and challah bread. When they come home, Nasta has bought a marble cake, Elena a carrot cake. So for dessert there are three cakes, cookies and just too much. Each cake gets sampled and the rest will most likely get thrown out. I hate waste, but no one eats dessert here too much. The conversation is great and it is nice to get together and just do something like this. Even if the girls don't remember their hopefully only pandemic Mother's Day, they'll come away with the warm feeling of memories that getting together always bring up. I don't remember many specific holidays, but I still get that warm feeling that spending time with important people brings.
Things wrap up early. Nasta and Elena drive Nancy home and Teri and I clean up. It's a nice evening.

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