Sunday, May 10, 2020

Another fun family dinner

Family dinners as I've said many times are an important part of how we wanted to raise our daughters. They have sadly become a rarity with each of them having a job and working during the dinner hour. Considering we are under a COVID-19 stay at home/ work from home lock down it is surprising more family dinners have not been possible. Even when Elena can make it home in time she seems to always say she has eaten on her break and is not hungry. Sometimes though she will join us any way and have something to eat. How ever you want to slice it family dinners are rare.
So yesterday, Wednesday May 6th, 2020 the stars all aligned and both girls were off and we were going to have dinner as a family. Yes, I am writing about it because it was not a peaceful happening. Teri made chicken thighs with a potato chip crust. There was mac and cheese and two vegetables. A wonderful COVID-19 feast. I got home from Elmsford a little after seven and helped a little with dinner. Meaning I sat at the kitchen table and drank beer. The girls popped in and out as dinner got closer to being ready. With the table set, the girls were called down to eat dinner. We all sat in our traditional places at the table. Teri years ago sat me at the head of the table, with Nastia on my right and Elena on my left. Teri sat next to Elena.
The girls have never been big meat eaters. Nastia loves seafood and will always look for the smallest piece of meat. She will take a pile of starch and some vegetables, always eating the starch first and the meat last. Elena will eat lots of steak, but doesn't really like much else. She doesn't eat fish, will have some chicken if it is fried, you know how it is. Well we are all sitting, most of us are eating when Elena notices Misha is having issues in the living room.
Misha can't reach her tail, if you know what I mean and I think she sometimes has an anal gland problem. When that happens she'll scoot around in a circle trying to solve it. She'll then scratch her butt on the rug. Elena is watching this from the table. She makes a comment about Misha being horny and not being able to reach her coochie, "oh and now she's twerking on the rug." I start laughing as everybody else looks at the dog. This has come out of the mouth of a girl that doesn't talking about sex openly, at least with me around. Yeah, I know what girl talks about her sex life with her father. I've tried to be open with both of them and not be judgemental. They both hopefully will have happy sex lives. Yeah, I also know they are both 21 and 19 and may have sex lives I don't know about. During COVID-19 they don't and both right now are lacking boyfriends, or soon will. Taj seems to be heading into the friend zone with Nastia. And Elena might have a new boyfriend Hugh I'm not supposed to know about yet. Ahh, to be that age again, never!!


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