Sunday, May 31, 2020

Dying Hair and Nastia cooking

Dying Hair sounds like a title to a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Yes Nastia let me dye her hair a second time. The results were a lot better. This time I got 99% of the
hair. There were a few small spots at the hairline that I thought I got, but I kept wiping the dye away so it wouldn't stain her skin. Being the only guy in a house of women after Teri did Elena's hair and the timers went off I stepped out of the bathroom and the girls showered the excess dye out of their hair. I guess this will become a monthly thing. Elena really likes the way her hair looks. To the point that she was willing to do it a second time.

During this COVID-19 time, Teri and I are working longer than ever. I am not complaining, there are several million people who have been laid off that would switch places with either of us in a second. It has made getting dinner on the table a bit of a challenge lately. We have had dinner several times at 8:30. Everytime we eat that late I remember we told the adoption people that we ate usually around 6:30 at night and there was never a issue with that. Even back then we didn't eat at 6:30. I wonder if they knew we were lying and when we left they laughed that we thought they believed us.
When I cook and there is no time limits to worry about I like to take my time and enjoy myself.
The other night I got home late, it was about seven and Nastia had started by taking out the beginning of dinner. She had the vegetables up and she wanted fried pierogies.
There was no meat out, I go down stairs and pull out a packet of frozen chicken breast. I love what we have set up down stairs. We have shelves of boxes and can food and a mostly full freezer. The freezer was full until the COVID-19. We have only had to worry about toilet paper and that was only because it was running a little low in a house full of women that I went out to buy some at BJ's.
As I defrost the chicken I tell Nastia what pans to get out and why I use one oil over another and why I add butter to the oil I am cooking the chicken in (Butter for the taste, oil for the higher burning point) Nastia cooks the pierogies. She has major issues with temperature since we knew her. She is afraid of getting burned so she cooks the pierogies at a distance with gloves on to avoid the splatter of the oil when she puts  a damp pierogi in the hot oil and it splatters.
  I cut, flour and dip the chicken in egg. Coat in breadcrumbs then  put them in the oil and butter. Yes dinner was 8:30 that night. Teri worked until almost 10 at the office that night, so it was just Nastia, Elena, who got home at 8:30 and myself. We ate in front of the TV and watched two movies staying up until almost one in the morning. We started with the new Scooby Do movies and when Elena left to go to bed, we said as a joke we were going to watch Sonic, the movie she wanted to watch originally, so surprisingly she came back. For me it was special. Rarely does Elena spend time outside of eating with the family with us. She'll eat dinner, go to her room and spend it on her computer or on her phone.


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