Sunday, May 31, 2020

Amanda's birthday party for her mother and finally Grub

Friday night (5/22)  I was asked to come home early for a party of six (legal under the governor's new rules of 10 or less) so Amanda could celebrate her mom's birthday. She purchased a tray of food from Gilliam's in Mt Ivy. Usually their food is excellent. Maybe it was because we left the tray under the heat lamp until everybody got there the shrimp were like leather, awful. Nastia loved the dish, had seconds, I think. Elena on the other hand is not much on any seafood. She had some of the pasta and maybe some leftovers.
After a long week and a long day at work for everybody, even the homebound workers were exhausted, everyone made it an early night. Nastia and Elena took Nancy home, then they went for a walk. For the next few days they go out for a walk. Both are getting home from work mostly early enough to go, if you consider not getting home from the walk until 10 early. I remember doing the same with my friend, Mike. We'd just walk around the neighborhood and talk, staying out of mischief. Back then it seemed safer. We make them both take flashlights, they use their phones and we get a little concerned if they are gone too long. You need to remember maybe just last year we wouldn't of let them go after dark and the year before they wouldn't have been allowed to go at all. We are overprotective, but are trying. They seem like such babes in the woods, even though they think they are so street smart. I guess we all do, until we walk into Boots and Saddle in the Village....
OK, a quick story about that last statement. Teri and I on an early dating going to see a play called Tony and Tina's Wedding in the Village in the city (for all you future people who don't know where it is) It's January or maybe February. We are both dressed up to the nines which mean we look nice, but are ill prepared for the cold snowy weather for that time of year. My feet are frozen and the play doesn't open for a while. So I say why don't we get a drink in this bar called Boots and Saddle. We walk in, get a stand up table and I head for the bathroom. I go into the mens room there is a trough to pee in. While I'm there a guy is looking over at me in a way like he wants something, I ignore him, guys don't talk while going, at least I don't. When I come out Teri has our drinks and I begin to tell her about the bathroom. She points out a picture over the bar. She says look at it real close. It is a picture of an orgy, but with just guys in it. She then points out that we are in a gay bar. I think I was surprised, but I don't remember rush out of the place. I wanted to warm my feet and drink my drink.
We finally ordered from Grub, in West Nyack. It is an Asian Fusion place and from the dumb name I thought it would be run by a couple of preppy so and so's running the place. It was not. Teri asked to eat from there early on Saturday, so I ordered from the place sometime around 10. Definitely before noon. I figured I owed it to her. It is her busy time at work and she is putting in ten plus hours a day working from home. I told the person who answered the phone I'd pick it up at 5:15. Nastia works until 4:30 and she likes to take these trips with me. We ordered drunken noodles and beef buns.
At about five, Nastia and I go to get the food. We walk into the former hair salon and everyone waiting for food is spread around the small opening. Everyone is waiting on this one person who seems to be taking forever. After he is done a woman speaks up saying she has an order in, I take her que and say so do I and tell them it's under Joe. I think the cashier doesn't hear me. A few minutes later two trays are up on the social distancing tables (tables set up to keep people away from the cashier) I pay, Nastia grabs the food and we are out.
The beef in the buns was sweet and different. The noodle dish were good. It was a little pricey at $60.00, but it did feed four with leftovers, so I guess it was not too expensive. Would I go again, yeah, if Teri wanted to go I would.


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