Saturday, March 21, 2020

Joe's great adventure

Today Saturday March 21, 2020
       Usually I don't go to Costco and I never go to Costco on Saturday. Today I needed to get gas and Teri thought it would be a good idea if I went into Costco to get a few things we needed. I like to get Costco gas early before the lines form. I got to Costco about quarter after 9, a little late. The gas pumps still had little to no line. Then a dark spot running across the store caught my eye. There was a
Near the end of the line.
line to get into Costco. I thought, never, never will I get on that line and become part of the masses and remember you can't spell masses without asses. While I'm pumping my $1.89 a gallon gas which had in January been $2.69 (Oil war between Saudi Arabia and Russia and also to drive the shale oil people in Texas out of business) I start to think that if I didn't stand on that line sometime a couple of weeks down the road when we run out of something on my list I will regret it. So I cruze past the front of the store. I get an idea of how bad it really is. There is a guy on top of some pallets talking through a loudspeaker and I turn down my radio, but miss it. I park somewhere between the end of the line and the front of the store and get on the line. The end of the line is near the loading docks almost halfway around the building, but with social distancing the line moves quickly and I am inside the store in about half an hour. During that time I get to look at (down?) on what humanity is/ has become. I see people wearing face masks and I think that it is real stupid. Supposedly they don't stop you from getting the virus and if they do, isn't it more important for health professionals to have them with the shortages of them? Once inside I power walk, I'm sorry I've become one of them to the back of the store to get paper

Just before you get in
towels. There is no toilet paper according to the sign outside but that is ok, I didn't need it. Funny if they'd had it in stock, I'd of bought it. I guess I must now look down on myself because I have confirmed I am not better then those people who waited on the same line I just finished waiting on. I begin to slow down and to look for items that are on my list. Being a typical man I purchase a few items not on the list (above right to celebrate our house mortgage closing) and now I have become even worse, I am now typical, even worse I am a typical man. How low I've sunk since I waited on that line. I get on 'the line'. If you know Costco there is no line there are the lines sort of in the space between the registers and the row of good running across the front of the store. 'The Line' ends somewhere in the back of the store near the meat section and before you can get on it, it starts to snake back toward the front of the store. I get on it and like everything today it is long, but it moves. When I am next in line the person apologises for the wait. I honestly tell her it went smoothly today or words to that effect. The disaster it could of been and wasn't is the big take away. Costco in Rockland did it really good. I out and done in 45 minutes. Total trip an hour and fifteen minutes. Half hour online, outside, half an hour to shop and about fifteen minutes to check out and get to my car. Not bad at all.

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