Saturday, March 14, 2020

It's getting weird out there!

It's Saturday, March 14th 2020. It's a dozen days to Teri's birthday and about seventeen days until our twenty-fifth anniversary. Nastia turned twenty-one on December 3rd 2019 and Elena will turn twenty on August 10, 2020. It is starting to feel like the end of the world is coming. The last thing that needs to happen to assure the end of the world is Teri to find a job she is happy working in.
   The new buzz words are social distancing and Covid-19. It used to be when someone said "Hey come over I've got a case of Corona, it meant beer, now it's pandemic.
    The Girls seem oblivious to it or maybe they are just putting up a good game face. Last night Nastia went out with her not official boyfriend Taj and another couple to 'hang out at the mall'.
     Taj is not officially her boyfriend because when she broke up with David she cried. Then a week or so later she is hanging out with Taj and a big deal was make about it. I think she was, lets just say absence didn't make the heart grow fonder between the two of them. So she must have in her heart ended it with David except for a quick cry when the end of the relationship became official. She had said she'd felt a distance growing between them over the last few weeks or so.
     So Nastia and her unofficial boyfriend hung out at the mall. I told her not to be late and she was dumb enough to say what time do you want me home. Or maybe I was dumb for saying that in the first place. Anyway she was told to be home at 10 PM. I really didn't want her to go out with all the corona cases. Rockland has a cluster up in Monsey (why does it alway seem to start there). I will eventually start telling them to stay home, but it's still a little too early for that.
     Elena was at work and she was in a very crowded store. Everyone is freaking out over the Covid-19 and buying up everything they can get there hands on it seems. Disinfectants, gloves, masks and for some reason toilet paper. My wife and I have been laughing about stores running out of toilet paper. That was until Teri said, "I hate to tell you this, but we need toilet paper." That's when as they say the S@(t hit the fan. With no paper where else would it go. So on Friday morning I headed toward B.J.'s. Teri had said Costco was out so B.J.'s seemed like the best bet. I get there just as they open. There is about two or so dozen people with determined looks on their faces push shopping carts. I with an equally determined look minus a shopping cart, I didn't want to waste the time slowly merge into a line to fit through the single door. I spy a bunch of shopping carts near the interior entrance and quickly grab one. I move swiftly toward the center of the store my long legs move me forward quickly. That is until a short plump lady pulls out in front of me. Oh how shopping imitates driving. I squeeze past her and head up the center of the store following the flow of other shoppers, my eyes peeled for any sign of toilet paper. A man comes out of a side isle and says to all near him, "it's down this isle." I vere sharply left and I find myself in automotive and I think I have been deliberately mislead. I come out the end of the isle and on my right up a short ways in the corner, up against the outer wall is a rapidly disappearing pallet of toilet paper. I move in for the kill, I maneuver in slowly trying to let someone who has picked up her paper tp leave, but she doesn't seem to want to leave. Maybe she feel safe among all that toilet paper. Then she must have remembered social distancing and gets the hell out of there. I slide on in and grab one. I see a second next to it that just seems like it needs me to take it, so I do. I glide back toward the front of the store walking like I usually do. I walk like I'm five minutes late for an important appointment. I feel weird because  I am not used to being part of those silly masses that I used to always laugh at. I guess the world is really coming to an end.
I pay for my prizes. I don't know if I over paid. The only thing I know is we have paper. And even if it is a brand Teri doesn't like there will be peace and people will be able to relax and well crap with the comfort that there is paper, even if it is the wrong brand,
Sunday morning: Last night we went to the movies at the Palisades Center. We saw "Second Chance" with Ben Affleck. We ate at the food court and the place was empty. Every time I reached out to open a door or touch a public space I had a moment of hesitation. I opened the door going into the mall trying to cover my hand while I opened it. I failed and touched the handle. While eating dinner I didn't use that hand until I washed it with soap and water. The mall was empty. It was very easy to practice 'social distancing'. The reason we went out even with the virus is the number of cases is still relatively small. 175 in Westchester where that lawyer  infected
 New Rochelle.And there were 19 in Rockland as of last count. It will most likely go up and if things go to worst case scenario, we could be asked to stay home. Right now Nastia's school is closing a few days early this week for Easter and I don't know if they are reopening on time. Teri is starting this week to work from home, so we'll wait and see.
       Wednesday March 17, 2020 It's St. Patty's Day and all the parades have been cancelled. All the bars are closed. Restaurants can only do take out and the movies after trying to reduce seating capacity to 50% have given up and are now closed. The Crystal Spoon home delivered meals service is booming. I thought my little piece of paradise, the insurance side of the business would slow because old sick people are the most at risk and care coordinators wouldn't want to infect people, but it seems to continue to growing along. Elena is still working ShopRite and Nastia told Stop and Shop she is available during the week. And while I'm at work I am washing my hands every two hours just to be safe. I hope we can all look back on this and be pleased we all made it through safely.


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