Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Animals are taking over.

Several months ago Elena lost her cat. She didn't lose it like when you park your car at the mall and can't find it. I'm using lost as a euphemism for dying. He was young and the runt of the litter. We don't know what happened to him, all we know is it was sudden.
      In my search for a reason for his death, I promised myself that I would make space for another
 animal in our house. So a few weeks ago Teri sees a facebook post or a twitter thingie whatever it was she said there were three cats in need of adoption. I asked if Elena was ready to have another cat, I was told yes so we went. Teri and Elena met Nastia and I at a cat care clinic in South Nyack on South Broadway. South Nyack has always been a really nice area I've always liked. We park and walk in. It has become part of adopting animals that you go through an interview before you are allowed to take them home. I find it a little off putting, but I do see the need for it. Teri is asked if we have other animals, what is our vets name. Then the vet says she is not one of those intrusive types that want to see the home before giving the animals up. We should have said we knew Jerry from Central Nyack. But after his son went to jail, I don't know if that would have been a good thing. The cats are in a cage in the small waiting room. Teri asks if they can see them and each gets to pick the one they want to take home. Teri looks at me and says several times she has never had an orange kitten before, she will call it applecene (Russian for orange). She has said this for years and I was tempted for only an instant because I told Teri we should let Nastia have a cat before she gets older and moves out (realistically I'm thinking she'll be with us until she's thirty-eight. Elena on the other hand will move out in her twenties and return when she finds out just how expensive it is to be on her own.) I couldn't deal with a house full of three kittens and three dogs,
especially when one of the dogs, Misha, wants to eat the little darlings. Elena and Nastia pick out the cats they want and of course the orange cat is left there. Teri feeling bad for him losing his brothers calls her sister Nancy and asks her to adopt the third cat, oh brother. So now we have two grey cats named Notsu and Milo. Whenever I hear the names I think, if not sue, then who? And Milo reminds me of a character from one of my favorite movies and I'm going a bit of a way back, Catch 22.
Athena, one of our dogs still reminds me of  The Who song and Misha, the shepherd who wants to eat the kittens reminds me of a Russian bear, because all the bears in Russian fairy tales are named Misha. Do all bears want to eat animals in these Russian fairy tales? Oh and Bandi has made his name mean grouchy old man. So life goes on at the funny farm animal rescue. Of course a few days later Teri sees two dogs that need rescuing and if we didn't have so many I'd have possibly gone and done it. Where has my sense of proportion and life balance gone? We need to sell one of our kids to wandering gypsies to make space for some more animals in need.