Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Years eve and we meet the boyfriend

Well I worked today and Teri and the girls took care of a few things.
Last night Monday the 29th of December 2019 we lost Leo the cat. He was all of about two years old. He was a very friendly cat. Everytime I'd go up stairs he'd run to the top of the stairs and wait to be petted. If you didn't he'd smack you with his paw. He was a very sweet cat and everyone misses him so. He left us about twelve years or so too soon.
       Elena was very sad and we invited her to sleep with us. She declined until about 12:30 when she joined us. The bed gets very crowded with three people and Athena in it. The room gets hot with three dogs and three people in it. I turned on the over head fan around two and it helped.
      So New Years eve Teri and the girls arranged for Leo to be cremated. The quoted fee was $300. When they saw him they lowered their price to under a hundred. Afterwards they went to IHOP for breakfast. I got home at five and took a nap. Elena asked to invite her new boyfriend. Teri and I had talked about it so it was ok for him to come if he had a ride there and back. Elena was not allowed to drive on New Years morning with the possibility of there being extra drunks on the road.
    Elena went to work at four and asked to leave a little earlier than nine. She was allowed to leave at eight.
     When I leave work I read a group of texts from Elena and Teri. It seems Elena locked her car keys in the car. I offer to bring a second set. I pick up keys at home and head to Pearl River. When I get there, I find the car and park next to it. I get out and I can swear I hear the low hum of her car. Yes the car is still running. I then to to the driver's door and insert the key. The door lock doesn't move. I then notice the door is open. I open it and turn off the car. I imagine that Elena left the car running, locked the door for the inside and shut it then thinking she had locked the keys in the car called for help, not trying the door. I can understand. I got a laugh and when I told her about it she at first didn't believe the car was running and the door was unlocked.
     Teri, Nastia, Nancy and I get to Eric and Lynn's a little after eight. Elena show up at eight thirty or
so and announces her boyfriend, whose name is Keene, not Cool (see what I mean about the possibility of it being a hippie name) shows up about nine. He is a bit of a surprise and Elena's attitude brightens.
      Around the same time former not to serious ex-boyfriend (he is about two years younger then Elena), Alex shows up. So all evening she is flanked by Alex on one side and Keene on the other. Nastia in the unfamiliar position of not being the center of attention. (She doesn't handle it well.Probably not even aware of it either. She takes her hair out of it's ponytail and tries to get more attention) The Twilight Zone marathon is on the TV. People are talking and I start to get tired. Nastia has some starch, then a little more and finishes later in the night eating Doritos. Later she get tire, (some relationship between the starch and getting tired?) She crawls into her mother's lap and tries to sleep. Later she goes and lies down
on the hearth of the fireplace, jumping up every time someone puts a log on the fire. New Years comes everyone kisses and wishes for a better New Year. Last year I didn't and I thought it would be best if I did this year, maybe it would be better. We stay until about 1:15, then head home. Elena sleeps with Teri and I go to sleep in Elena's bed. I'm up at 7:15 for some reason and Teri follows soon after. It's now 9:45 and I don't expect to see the girls until closer to noon.
Last night Nastia gets a text saying her final project for make up class was never handed in. Having junked all of her school papers she texts back reminding the teacher she saw the almost finished project and telling her she's thrown everything away. Well see where it goes.

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