Friday, December 27, 2019

So this Christmas and what have you done...*

So this is Christmas. I remember when John Lennon was murdered. I was in my bedroom with my girlfriend, it was 1980 just before Christmas and I turn on the radio. The newscaster reported John Lennon had been shot and killed by Mark David Chapman. It was so unreal I couldn't believe it. I had to hear the report several time. Now all these years later it has passed without a note. It's become a part of history just like Pearl Harbor on December 7th. Few talk about either any more. I remember working the milk route with my dad and he'd buy the Daily News. The Daily New in the 70's would put pictures in the centerfold of the paper when big events happened, or to commemorate events. On December 7th in the early 70's the centerfold of the paper was filled with pictures of  ships bombed in 1941. I'd looked at them the same way people now look at pictures of John Lennon on the night he was murdered. Wow an interesting historical event.
    Well it is Christmas eve 2019. Our bank accounts are emptied and most of what we wanted to buy has been bought. Teri again has been a champ. She will say things about how there is not a lot , but when you look at the mess of gifts and who they are for it is overwhelming. I always feel like I never giver her enough. She is always so very generous. And she is always so tough to buy for too. Years ago I ran out of jewelry to give her. Wrist, ears, I think I missed her neck and nose, damn it.
       Speaking of noses,Nastia and Elena got piercings. That is all that needs to be said.

Let the pictures say the rest. And yes I think they are unnecessary.
It is now Christmas morning. in a home with older children. I remember when it first happened to me. I was like sixteen or so and Eric comes into my room and says it's Christmas in a slightly desperate tone, get up. He was twelve, still of that age. It seems the girls both left that special age too quickly. One year I'd go up to their room and say 'Good morning,it Christmas and I'd get a great video of them racing down stairs. Then one year completely out of left field they wanted to sleep more. That is the day the magic of Christmas started to disappear. It's seven-thirty Christmas morning, I'm stuck in my bedroom with Mesha because she'd physically tear Nevel Nancy's dog who is down stairs apart if she could. Nevel is getting a little freedom with Teri and Nancy as the girls sleep away. Nastia might get up around
No sugar plums dancing here
nine,but if left to her own Elena would sleep until two in the afternoon.
     We are having a small gathering at our house this year of anywhere from five to eight. Donald, Amanda's father is working for Rockland Bakery and there is a chance of overtime and with Christmas on a Wednesday, he has to get up early tomorrow. Also the same with Amanda and Tony. They are working or at least one is and they both might not make it and have to get up tomorrow, so who knows.
      We are having a Rib roast for a two o'clock dinner. If you want melt in your mouth beef, this is
your baby. It costly, but has supplanted  turkey as the Christmas dinner of choice.
       It is now the day after Christmas. All the presents are opened and the wrapping paper has been hauled away by the trash men and spirits of sugar plums no long dance in our wee little children's heads. Elena went out with her new boyfriend tonight, Spectacular or is it Cool. I know it is a name a hippie would give to their child, I honestly don't remember it. I know you're thinking, 'Is he a nice boy?' (say it like a jewish mother) I don't know, haven't met him. I do know Elena came home tonight with  a rash on her neck, I hope she isn't coming down with something. If it was summer, I'd thought she'd gone fishing for ... let's all say it together, 'Sucker Fish!' and when she reads this years later she gonna hid my false teeth.
I hope she is happy. I'm told s-e-x (I'm spelling it out incase small children are reading this) is not in the cards any time soon, She has told her mother she is not ready.
      Now Nastia on the other hand is having David issues. He is acting distant and he has really pissed Nastia off to the point that she is/was considering dumping the love of her life. Is/was because they went to the movies tonight and were together yesterday for a while after he ignored her for, I don't know a week or so? And everytime I think of that I remember the dumb ass thing he said when he first started going out with her. "I don't break up with girls, they break up with me." Why doesn't he finally grow the fuck up!! I've gone into all of his shortcomings before and how he has no great roll models except for his grandparents and even though I am tempted to rehash his faults again, I will resist. He is not a bad kid. He's kind and funny and my daughter loves him, but he has all these demons running around in his head causing all this dumbass behavior to come out. I'm real tired of damaged people. I got into therapy years ago, one of my daughter's is in therapy, the other should be and all the two of them ever do is bring home people who are more damaged than themselves. Their mother has pushed them to do better, to get jobs, pay their own bills and car costs. To earn pocket money and get an education. They have been given the opportunities America can give and their future is theirs. They just don't have coat tails that lessers can hold onto as they try to soar. David will most likely fly high. He is focused on a possibly bright future, but he needs to make a little room for my daughter if he doesn't want to lose her.

Like Santa Claus I too do exist.

So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very Merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red one
Let's stop all the fight

A very Merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
A new one just begun
And so happy Christmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now
la, la, ah, ah
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas (happy Christmas)
Happy Christmas (happy Christmas)

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: John Winston Lennon /

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