Saturday, June 15, 2019

Prom Weekend and another glimpse of the future

It was Prom weekend for Elena. She and a couple of other friends had decide not to go to it, so instead they had a sleep over at Jessica's house. Nastia is a friend of Jessica's so she went to. Both Girls had to work on Friday, Nastia noon to six and Elena four to eight, so they both got there separately and late.
       I get very few details of what happened there from Elena, Nastia had to be at work this morning at eight, so I won't get to see her until later. The few details Elena gives me are, they had pizza, pineapple pizza and bacon chicken ranch. She said she would have preferred peperone.  They then watched the movie 'IT'. Now I'm hoping time will be kind to this movie, unlike what time has done to the 'Exorcist'. When the Exorcist first came out I was glad I watched it in the middle of the day and it was still light out. When the girls hear how scared I was they laugh and call me names. 'IT' is one of those movies you might not want to watch before you go to bed. She said they had fun.
       Teri and I were left on our own for Friday night. I left work about five on a Friday night. I was prepared for a long slow drive home. I was in the mood for a little Elton John, so I went on my phone, like the kids do and brought up on youtube an album of his music. I turned it up a little too loud, I cracked my windows, opened the sun roof and on a cool late Friday afternoon I proceeded to take sixty minutes to do a fifteen or twenty minute ride home. I got home a little after six. Teri calls and asks what's for dinner. She is still at work, at a job that seems to be killing her spirit. I haven't thought about dinner, so when she gets home a little while later she says, "Lets trey three guys" I'm thinking is this a new place or did two guys quit? Wh head up to five guys and are ready to eat when she notices they have put the calorie count up on the menu. I hadn't noticed, yeah I know typical guy move. I'm sorry, you just have to love me the way I am and quit pointing out my faults. (more on that later) Ter decides to not eat. I've ordered and a quick count of the calories tells me I will be consuming over 1600 calories. If I had added a milkshake, it would have been 2200. God I hate calories, they taste soo good! She relents, gets a burger and shares some of my fries. The bag of fries were in the neighborhood of something like 600 calories, I don't think she took enough to bring that count down much.
       After dinner, we leave and on the way home we do something we rarely do, no it wasn't have sex, we talked. It was going well until I told her, very innocently, without two thoughts about it because she had approved the project to my surprise (she'll never admit she did) that starting in the next several weeks, hopefully after Elena's graduation party, I will start to remove the cedar shakes on the house. Teri gets agitated (can't think of a word that describes it better, but men will know what I'm talking about), maybe animated might work. Well whatever you want to call it she proceeds to list, in a very excited way (nah, I can do better than that) all my projects that are in a state of suspension (my words, euphemisms, you'll love them or hate them.) and she will not stand for another project that will not get finished. I tell her that is why Karl is helping me and I don't tell her she originally agreed to the project. She continues on listing things that I have not finished or may she is talking about the weather, I've quit listening and talking. She notices and says, "Now Your angry?" I thought my silence had made that real clear. If I wanted a list of my failures, I'd talk to my wife, oh wait I was and she is.
       The rest of the car ride home we listen to the sound of the tires against the road. When we get home. I tell her this was a fun night, we should do it again. No, I was really just trying to get past the fight. She now is not talking to me. I go to the living room, Teri watches a little TV in the kitchen before she goes upstairs. About midnight I go up kiss her good night and think in the morning it will be over. I remember the saying 'never go to bed angry.' I wasn't angry, so I felt I could go to bed now.
       THE NEXT MORNING I'm laying in bed and I feel her get up I say "good morning" , she mumbles something, I guess she went to bed angry. Now I know why you shouldn't.
       We let the dogs out and I tell her I'm sorry about last night and I agree with what she said and, yes the truth does hurt. She still proceeds to go through my list of unfinished projects. Everytime she takes a breath, I tell her I agree with everything she has said and there is no need to go on. But she has taken a deep breath and doesn't want to waste it, so she has to go on and does. When She is finally winded, I say, almost pleadingly, "I agree with everything you have said." Well she is satisfied, she has gotten it off her chest and the world is back to what passes for normal. God help us all.


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