Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Last Day of High School ever and an award that night

It's June 18th 2019 the day after Elena's last day of classes.It's raining outside, Teri has gone to work early because she has a Tuesday conference call with China at 8AM. Teri is one of a group on the call. She is not happy in her job.
       Elena and Nastia are upstairs sleeping. It's 7:50 in the morning, the rain gives off a hissing sound out the windows on the north side of the house as it hits the grass and leaves of the trees. It quiet in the house.
       Last night Elena was given an award. She was recommended by Ms. Chamberlain, a really wonderful teacher and person. I wish I'd had  teachers like Elena has had when I was in school. I feel they have saved her from herself and possibly put her on the right track. The award was the Joe DiPasquale Scholarship.
It came with $250.00 to put toward college cost. It was very nice of Ms. Chamberlain to do that.  She has looked after both of the girls and I hope she knows how wonderful a person she is. Of course Elena didn't want to go or to dress nice for the award ceremony. It was a very relaxed informal ceremony. They had cookies and water for anyone who wanted some before and after the ceremony. In the beginning the Principle introduced people who were involved in the scholarships that were being awarded. Most came up and told a sad story about someone who'd died young or tragically and they were doing this in their memory. After a while the principle took over and started to hand out awards without any background or history about the awards. I would like to know something about the Joe DiPasquale award and what happened to start it. One award brought memories from the past. The Arthur Orlando award. I had him as a teacher about forty years ago in high school. He was a good teacher.
       The evening ended with the  principle almost begging the attendees to take some cookies as we left. I did. It was all over in about an hour and I enjoyed spending time with Elena. I get so much joy from just hanging around with the two of them, I hope they know that.
I told her I was going to use the second picture with a caption reading When Elena finds out she is an awards winner. Maybe I shouldn't. Naaaaa......

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