Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Improv

For college, Nastia is required to go to several different after school plays and amature productions put on by the college. Tonight it was improv. And since no one else was available, I went. The events Nastia is forced to go to are amateurish, but the students do put their heart and soul into their performances. Last night is a perfect example. There were times some of the dialogue bombed, but they were out there trying. Several times during the night I wished I had the courage to go out there and do what they were doing.
     The night consisted of several games the students played. The games give structure to their comedy and help them to see what is funny. I could list some of the games they played, but without a long winded explanation it wouldn't mean anything. So I'll do one or two. Time jump is the first one that comes to mind. There are several people involved. One person starts a scene. When a second person jumps in it a different scene. Same with a three and forth. As people jump in and out they have to remember where the scenes where and try to be funny.
      Another one  had the audience write down movie quotes and they would pick two out and as they went through a scene they would open the paper and use the quote in the scene.
      The show was in a very small intimate around fifty seat theater not much bigger than a living room. The air conditioning wasn't on and the night to begin with was warm. I bought a jacket and forced Nastia to bring one too. Weren't needed. After two mostly enjoyable and interesting hours it ended. After going to Shoprite to pick up soda before the sale ends we got home a little after ten. It was fun. Teri and Elena went to dinner after therapy. They had TGI Fridays. Elena loves their food.

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