Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Here at the western world

Here at the western world, I finally found a song to use in my blog. It's been a looong while since I did that. It's not perfect, the song has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
       So here in the western world is a song about drugs and prostitution. That's kind of funny since I was going to talk about family life and how the girls don't seem to eat with us too much any more because of their jobs. I'll let you make the connections, well maybe not, it's just too juicy to leave it hanging there without my commenting on the connection. Soooo, everyone's drug is money to buy themselves nice things, so we all go and prostitute ourselves to acquire things we don't need. I guess I am just as bad as everyone else. We have cable, sirius satellite radio and cell phones that when I was a kid weren't considered indispensable. Cell phones, well how do we get in touch with our kids if there is an emergency? I'm hooked, I can't give up the ability to talk or text with my kids or wife anytime they are willing to pick up their phones and answer. Cable and Sirius satellite radio have become so weaved into my life that it would take major surgery to remove them completely. Cable is making it easier every time they sneak a new charge onto my bill. But half a page ago I wanted to write something about the girls and not eating together
       One of the great pleasures in life is eating dinner together with our family all together. I didn't realize that until it stopped and then happened again for a day. From the time they came over from Russia we made the effort to eat dinner together. We'd wait for one or the other of us to get home if they were running late. We made the effort. Then recently, the last few years, the girls got jobs. They work anywhere from ten to more than twenty hours a week and it is usually from four in the afternoon to about nine or ten, dinner time. Yes, I know on Father knows best' dinner time was about six. That gave, I think his name was Jim time to leave work and get home and relax in his favorite chair with his martini or whatever drink he was drinking. And I truly believe life at one time might of resembled that.
      Life now, oh life now is a fading shadow on a wall of sunshine (I have no idea what it means it just sounds good, maybe I should have said, 'that life is a fading shadow...' anyway...) Dreams of sitting down at the table with our family, say it in a wistful voice invoking memories of lush green meadows and fields of grass blowing a cool breeze ahead of a coming summer thunderstorm.
     Ok, let's get serious. We don't see the girls often any more. They come home from school and leave for work around 3-3:30 in the afternoon and don't return until 9-10 pm. We used to have dinner together all the time. Then when it stopped Teri and I began eating dinner in the kitchen looking at the smallest TV we own for some god knows reason, but we were together having dinner. Occasionally one of the girls would join us, truth be told we'd have to force them a little, because they'd want to do the dumb thing like watch the biggest TV or eat at the dining room table.
       What all of this has lead up to is this week both girls have off Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. On Monday night Nastia had her last show she had to go to. And since her boyfriend is being a bit of of dick lately (no I won't make a joke there) I was the stand in. We left a little after I got home, had dinner at Boston Market, make that bought it there and ate it in the parking lot at RCC. The show was original compositions by the song writing class. It was pretty good. There was this one girl who had an Amy Winehouse thing going on and she has a future it looks like. ( To all you future people who don't know Amy Winehouse, that's a shame. She was a talented singer who drank or did drugs, I forgot and died young. Died too young just like Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison. If you don't know most of them shame on you.)
       So the first night is shot. Tomorrow, Wednesday Nastia, Elena and I are going to see Avengers Endgame. We have waited almost two weeks to see it on a day the three of us are free. So that day is done. It leaves us only tonight,wish us luck. Modern life you just gotta love it a Jim? ( I'm referencing Father know best, saying something his wife should have said)


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