Friday, January 11, 2019

Made my Daughter cry

     Nastia is between semesters at RCC. If left to her self she would watch TV until about midnight, go to bed and wake up around eleven, then go back to watching TV. Maybe sometime during the day go visit with David.
     So We, Teri and I decided to give her jobs and encourage her to do things around the house. Admittedly there is little that she can do during the day outside the house. We encouraged her to tell work she was available to work during the day, so for one day they had her work earlier then four PM.
     On Tuesday night she was encouraged to do several things on Wednesday. It was suggested she do her sister's chores as well as her chores. I told her it sucks to do that, but it would be nice and she had nothing to do anyway. It was also suggested, by her mother she do the laundry. Laundry is a tricky thing. Modern laundry is easy to do, I do it, but it gets tricky when the wash is going and you go off and do something fun, like watch TV , you forget about it. Well Nastia did several loads and did well until we left for bowling. At that time the dryer and washer were loaded. I noticed it that evening when I went to take a shower. I was about to lend a hand when I thought, you know it's late and I'm feeling lazy and it will be there in the morning still and it would be better if she finished her job. So I left it.
     Thursday comes and I work late and the girls go to work before I get home. I go down stairs that evening to take an other shower and notice the dryer door open and the light was on. I walk over and see Nastia had folded the clothes in the dryer and left the wet clothes in the wash. I walk upstairs to talk to her in the living room where she is go ahead and take a guess...watching TV, good guess.
     I start by pausing the TV. She looks up at me and I think she knows something is up. Several years ago I tried to stop yelling. I noticed that even when I was not angry my voice sounded angry, so I quit yelling. My Voice still sounds angry though. "Nastia", I go, "You were doing such a good job yesterday and you blew the whole thing by not finishing the job. The Clothes in the washer have sat for over twenty-four hours and most likely have to be washed again." I see her face redden, I know what's coming. I soften my tone more and try to be a little nicer and I also talk a little softer. I go on to say, "If You were to become a teacher and you taught kids 3+5=  you would have not finished the job and you would not last very long in that job." Her Eyes are getting glassy and shine a little more in the light then normal. I soften more and try to be a little more consoling. "There is really no reason to cry, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed." I say it softy and I watch a big old crocodile tear roll down the right side of her face, followed by a second. She is hiding her face slightly under the covers. I resist holding her in my arms debating wither or not it is the right thing, after all I am trying to teach her. I try to console her more telling her not to cry, but I guess sometimes you just have to. An other tear, smaller rolls down her face. She hides her face under the cover. I ask her if she would like a tissue, she says no, using the palms of her hands to wipe her face, going up her cheeks over her nose and eyes to her hair. I tell her she better watch out or she get green hair from boogers. I get half a smile. It all winds down about not. I go back to shower telling her I will finish the laundry up. Is that a good thing? I don't know.

Cory arrived in Africa recently I pray he will be safe and it will be a good adventure for him.


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