Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Years 2019, sorta

I was sitting at my brother Eric's house, it was a few minutes before midnight, I was half dozing and began to think about the last few New Years when the ball dropped and I kissed Teri and said this year will be better then last year. I grew sad because this year I couldn't. Every Year I have said that to her it feels like it has been more of the same. It was a good year, because it could have been worse. Yes each year has had it's high points and it's low points, but I'm at the point of my life where I want more and better good times. I see the environment changing for the worse despite what Trumps says. I see anger every where I go and yes people still care, but it seems different. Thinking and praying for our soldiers used to be more then a political statement. It was the populace saying we're sorry about the mistakes of Vietnam on both sides and We will never make them again, we're just making them in a different way.
     I was going to make this blog posting about my laments over the last few years and not talk politics, I'm sorry, I don't want to get into that crap. I just wonder what we're leaving the next generation. I see some amazing people in my family and hpe they will have the opportunity.
      New Years was a same old, same old except I didn't tell my wife this years will be better then last year. Her usual reply would have been, I hope so. This year , I said Happy New Year. Then I said something that I hoped would have supplanted the this year will be better then last year, I just don't remember what it was and I guess maybe that is for the best. I need to stop comparing the years to each other and just be happy that everyone has survived the past year, more or less in tack and remember that I have an amazing wife and two wonderful daughters that are on track to be amazing women. People that Russia will be sorry that they gave away.

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