Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The rest of Her birthday

     As far as Birthday's go, this one had a little drama, a few tears were shed and I felt bad for causing them. So It was a standard day in the life of our family.
     After I stopped yesterday, Nastia and Teri went off. Nastia gets dropped off at College, because she is still not sure of the way home, then Teri goes to work in Mahwah NJ. I left around quarter to nine to go visit my mom, then head to world in Elmsford. Elena had left for North High School around 6:30 in the morning.
     I get home around 3:30. Nastia is home, but where is Elena? A quick Phone call finds here shopping for her sister's birthday gift, daughter like father, I guess. Teri says she will be home by 6 pm. Around 5 pm Nastia gets a text from David, he can't make it to her birthday. I've gotten the feeling lately David is making space between her and him, but this time I think the reason is earlier in the week I had asked for it to just be the four of us. Usually when We go out it is not. We invite others and it's nice, but it is also nice to occasionally have it be just the four of us. Nastia had asked that David be included and immediately Teri and I had said yes. Well Nastia told David we had wanted it to be just the four of us, but she had asked for him to join us and I thought that was what had happened. After all the grief I'd given him before, now that I wanted him to be part of of life and family he was not going to be there on this important day. So I did what I do best and yell. It was not the fierce roar of a lion, I can't yell like that anyway any more, it was more of a semi restrained 'See this is what happens when you tell someone something that they don't need to know' voice. I tried to keep it calm, but I didn't succeed. Near the end of the sort of short tirade I manage to soften my voice, but it is too late. Nastia's head is bowed, she's looking at the floor, seeing nothing and I know what is next. I take her in my arms and hug her telling her I didn't want to make her cry on her birthday. Resilient as ever she is back to herself soon, me, I feel like crap for a while longer. Feeling bad I text David being diplomatic and still thinking he isn't coming because of his chat with Nastia I say
  " I heard you can't go with us. I hope everything is ok. I also want you to know how important it is for you to be with us tonight if there is anyway you can make it. You would be a welcome addition.' He texts back asking when and where we will be. Teri texts him that he is a part of this family whether he likes it or not and has to come, or something to that effect

Teri gets home around 6:30 and off we go to Gilligan's in Mt Ivy, one of Nastia's favorite places to eat. It's a Monday night, business is slow so they have only one room open. There is a short wait and We are seated. Muscles are ordered and Teri and Nastia proceed to devour them. I used to eat them and try one.They are good and garlicky. Teri goes to the bathroom and the weirdest conversation happens. Lets see if I can get this straight.
      Nastia is devouring the muscles and she asks Elena if she wants some.
      Typical Elena says, "No" then adds, and I should of seen this coming. " Do you know what these look like?", as she picks one out of it's shell I knew where this is going, but it is like an accident, I just can't look away. " It looks like a Vagina," she says. I chuckle.
      Nastia, without a blink says,"Well these are juicy vaginas and I'm going to eat them."
Daughters, you've got to love them.
     About halfway through dinner David does show up and tells why he is late. It seems his half brother got into a fight and was taken to the Hospital. He lost a tooth and might have some damage to a bone in his face. It wasn't clear what happened, except he got his butt kicked. He will be alright it looks like.
     David orders a burger, Elena ordered chicken fingers and fries.While waiting she ate bread. When Her meal arrives, she doesn't touch it. I had promised Teri I would say nothing. Every so often I would look over at her plate, the Chicken and fries  covered with ketchup getting cold. I managed to say nothing all night, but guess what she is having for dinner tonight?
     Nastia ate ok. She ate a lot of the Muscles and about half of her Scallops and linguini in a white sauce. Davidate 3/4 of his burger and since he is not officially family yet, I also kept quiet.
     Teri had a lobster dinner for one and did a good job on her meal. I don't worry about her taking leftovers home. She will eat them.
     Me, I ate some bread, I ordered Fish and chips. The Fish was a little over breaded and dry, but I finished all of it,because that was how I was raised. Remembering my mother saying there are starving children in China. We were done by about 8:45 and it was a nice evening.


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