Monday, December 3, 2018

Nastia at 20, OH MY GOD!!

     It is Nastia's birthday, she is twenty.I looked back at some of her birthdays and I can remember some as clear as day,others are in the distance seen through a heavy fog.
     I read some out loud to Nastia, I thought it a fun way to spend a morning. One I had to stop reading before it made me cry, her eighteenth. I can't be seen crying over a silly thing like what I wrote about her eighteenth birthday now can I? I then went to a safer one and read the first few lines of her first birthday in America. It was sweet and innocent and my favorite part was when she told the principal at Congers Elementary school,Mrs. Ryan, it was her happy birthday to you.
     I guess it is time to share a paper Nastia did for school in October. It is not really in the spirit of the day, so excuse me, it's just I want to now.

Anastasia Muller 9/28/18

    The Narrative Essay

My life changed completely when my sister and I were adopted in September 2009. This is a story of how I became who I am today and how my sisters and my life changed for the better.
I was born December 3rd, 1998 in a small Russian village in the far east called Obluchye. My Russian mother was only nineteen years old when when she gave birth to me and and about twenty when she had my sister. When I was about three or four years old I was taken away from my mother in hopes that she could take care of my sister and I would be returned later. She was unable of being a mother because she had problems with drinking and because of that she lost her parental rights to us. After my mother died at age 23 bouth my sister and I were taken to an orphanage where we spend half of your lifes.
The orphanage was in a city called Birobidzhan and the city was nothing like my hometown. There were a lot of people walking around cars driving by and wild animals like dogs running around trying to find food. Growing up in the orphanage was not easy for me because I dd not have any friends, all the kids were mean to me and bullied me for no reason. I had one lady who came once a week to take me out and spend some time with me. She would always bring treats for me like ships and soda which I enjoyed and I could not wait untill she would come back again. As I got older I went to school to learn and become smarter. The school was very small and the education was not that great because the teacher did not know what she was doing. Even though the education was not good I still learned little things like how to speak properly and use words in the right way.  
There was a time where during the holidays the whole orphanage would get together and celebrate. For Example when it was christmas we would have this giant tree with different decorations on it and all of the kids would come around the tree and dance. I remember wearing this beautiful dress and dancing around the tree and that was the time I was very happy and grateful for having something this great in my life. I remember this one time where the people who ran the orphanage would take us out in the winter time to a giant mountain of snow where we would slade down the mountain and crush into a pile of snow. I also remember during the fall the hole orphanage would gather all of the leafs put the  leafs in different piles and then burn them. Those days were the best times I ever had. One of the days that I did not like was my birthday, because when my birthday came around no one would wish me a happy birthday or gave me a gift. That day I would always be sad and just stay away from people and have a day to myself where no one could bother me. The only person that I had in the orphanage was my little sister and even she would be mean to me and I never knew why. After awie my sister and I got closer to each other because of the incident she had. We were all outside playing on a playground just having fun. My sister decided to go on the monkeybars and climb like a monkey would,little that she knew that the monkey bar would be slippery so when she went to crab one of the bars she slipped and fell landing on her arm and breaking it. After that happened she had to go to the hospital so I did not see her for awhile.  When she returned to the orphanage I was so happy to see her that I jumped on her and pushed her stomach a couple of times. From there my sister I were closer than we ever been.
My time at the orphanage went by so fast it felt like I just got there a small little girl who was scared and alone. I was not a little girl anymore and I was not alone with my sister by my side. Years had passed by and I was still in the orphanage wishing I was out.  One day the greatest day of my life happens to be where two american couple fell in love with my sister and I and wanted to adopt us. Your first time in america was when we went to spend the summer with the american couple. We got to do so much fun stuff like go to a summer camp and a gymnastic camp. After we got to meet them we felt the same way they felt about us. When the summer ended my sister and I had to go back to Russia because  the american couple had to do all the paperwork before we can go with them for good. The adoption process was long and annoying but we finally got through it. After we got adopted our journey to a new county began. The plane ride was very long and uncomfortable,but my sister and I were too excited to care. Once we got to america we went to a family friends house so that the family can meet us and we can meet the family. As the years went by my life changed so much I had a new home and new family that loves me and friends that care about me. I also learned a new language which was very hard to do because I could not understand my parents and they could not understand me. Also school was not easy for me either because I could not understand the subjects and the language and I had to start fourth grade when school started and I did not like it.
Coming to America from Russia was the best change that ever happened to me because I  have a family that loves me friend who support me and best of all a better life than I could ever ask for. I would not change anything for the world because the change made me who I'm today and nothing can ever change the decision I made.
More about her birthday later.