Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Graduation Party.

What's a graduation without a party? This Party by any standard was low key and adult run. Nastia was asked who she wanted to invite and Elena was asked who she would like to invite. All were welcome, but there was a very strong Adult contingent, who attended, ran and also financed the party.
     The Planning for the party started several weeks before the actual day. Plans were made by Teri and a list of food and drinks were composed. It would be Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, salads, Sliced London Broil with soda, 'adult lemonade' and beer.
     About thirty-five people were invited. Teri put an announcement on Facebook inviting everyone. Almost immediately responses came back. Karl and Madeline couldn't make it because of a wedding. Either they give good presents or people like them. They always seem to be going to weddings.
     As the day got closer I worked on the grounds to make them nicer. I hadn't really gotten into the flower gardens in a few years. I pulled weeds out that filled parts of the flower beds. My Original plan was just to do the south side of the house. It looked so good that I kept on and over two or so days I had weeded all the flower beds and they looked nice, empty, but nice. The Pool got opened, shocked, filtered and cleaned. Nastia even went out and cleaned up the yard of dog crap.
     As the Day approached the weather started to look iffy. In the last few days before the party the weather was forecast to be overcast with a chance of rain on and off all day with temperatures going only into the 70's. 
     Waking up on the day of the party, it was over cast, but the sky didn't say rain.It didn't look like it would rain anytime soon when you looked at the horizon. To hedge our bets, I went over to my Mom's and brother Eric's house to borrow some canopy style tents. They didn't look waterproof, but I didn't think we'd need them. The Tents went up easy enough. My Mom's tent had a corner piece busted, which fixed easily and quick. It was all going really well. Teri and I did have a blow up over something so important that I can't remember what it was. That was when I went to get the tents.
   At 2 PM,We were ready. At 2:20 no one was there and for a moment I got that panicky feeling that no one was going to come, then everyone started to show up. I started cooking the London Broil about 1:45, When I felt it was done I bought it in to cool and started cooking burgers and hot dogs. When I went to slice the London Broil Sally Ann offered to take over at the grill. After the London Broil was sliced I came back to cook, but Sally Ann was enjoying herself and I found it fun not to be behind the grill, even though I enjoy doing it. Sally Ann cooked all the burgers and the hot dogs. I would have gone by demand and I felt the cold hand of a leftover burger dinner coming. The Meat would turn out to be used for tacos and they were good.
     Around four or so some of Nastia's friends from work showed up. To Me that made it complete. Everyone  showed up who said they would. We had twenty-eight out of thirty five, that was pretty good.
     The Sky remained cloudy always looking like it might rain, but never giving more than a few drops. The cool Temperatures didn't stop the kids from going in the pool and having a blast. The Trampoline even got used. Teri felt it would have been perfect if she had been more organized. I felt it couldn't of been better without being greedy.
Great Party. One down, one to go.

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