Friday, June 29, 2018

The House goes quiet, a preview of down the road?

I got home from work at 3 pm. Nastia was going to work. Elena was over at Ariana's house. Later they were both going to go over to Jessica's for a sleep over. Nastia worked until 10 pm, then David was going to take her over to Jessica's house to join the sleep over.
     It didn't hit me until later that David was bring Nastia over to Jessica's house at 10 pm. It turned out to be nothing, but Teri beat me to making sure it was nothing.
     Teri and I had a quit dinner at the table, left overs, why cook when there are only two? We decided to watch a movie after the early dinner. We watched the movie and around 10 pm Teri goes up to bed, I follow around 11:15. This is when I realize how quiet the house has become. I walk up the stairs, the house is normal quiet, but it has an empty feeling I don't like. I have not always appreciated how the girls have filled up our house and made it a happier place. About halfway up the stairs I am met by the cat. He too is lost because he has no one to sleep with and can't come into our bed room because Misha will chase him. I scratch his head and he runs off to Nastia's room like he does every night, except the room is empty and I don't shut the door. I go into the bed room and Teri is talking to Nastia. Teri had told Elena to let her know when Nastia showed up at Jessica's and she had also told Nastia to call when she got there. Neither did it so Teri facetimed them. The House is filled a little more by their presents. And then it fades as Teri's screen goes dark. Can We keep them home for a little while longer?

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