Thursday, April 5, 2018

Easter 2018

Easter 2018 reminds me the girls are growing up. In years past Everyone would color eggs. On Easter, Nancy would bring over eggs,  Teri would set out eggs for coloring. This Year, for the first time in my memory, no one colored eggs. Easter was barely Easter. Both Girls had to work. One, Nastia to 2:30, the other, Elena to 5. Elena even tried to schedule a date with her boyfriend after she got out of work on Easter. We had a small gathering and I didn't even try to invite anyone over. I never thought  about it, until the next day when I asked my Mother what she did on Easter.
     Dinner was good. Teri made it and at least I enjoyed the food. Nastia preformed surgery on her ham. God forbid she eats any fat. I had to send her back a few times to trim the meat off the 'fat' she pushed off to the side of her plate. She has a fun trick where she doesn't eat what she doesn't want, waits for everyone to  leave the table, then she goes and clears her plate into the garbage. Come on daughter, grow up!
     While the Girls were at work, Teri, Nancy and I went to see 'The Death of Stalin', the movie that was banned in Russia. It wasn't great, but it was a fun way to spend an afternoon on Movie Pass.

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