Friday, March 16, 2018

A Sweet Story, sorta

No One likes to think about their mortality. Everyone, around my age, me believing I represent the average person does not like to think about their mortality too much. I believe as you get older and feel the grim reaper gaining on you, you occasionally will look back at him and acknowledge he is getting closer.
     If Anyone who reads this also watches/ watched 'This is Us', season 2 knows that the father in the show died and they showed how it happened. His death has been known for a while, but how he died hasn't.
     On Tuesday's episode, his daughter, Kate is getting married. They had a magical bond. they were closer then any other two characters on the show. His death left a big hole in her life and lead to many things happening to her that might of not happened if he'd lived.
     The Show is a bit of a tear jerkier and each Tuesday it is on you expect to cry a little list. (Except Me of course. You really believe that, you just have to look a little closer is all. I don't get all snotty and have to blow my nose. I just wipe a few tears away, when no one is looking.)
     Teri and I have a blow up before the show is over. Athena, one of our dogs has gotten into the habit of barking a lot. With all the tension of Nevil, Nancy's dog coming over and Teri losing her job a blow out was coming. I shaded the dog with a blanket so she couldn't see Misha, our Shepard, which gets her more agitated and I don't hear it. Teri is asking me to stop and I don't. Finally I hear her and I stop. Athena doesn't. I get angry and yell at her in frustration. Teri tells me to leave 'her' dog alone. I get pissed, drop the remote to the paused TV on the foot stool, out of her reach and walk away. I go up stairs and after a while I start watching 'This is Us'.
     Before it is over, My Daughter, Nastia comes into the room, it's after 10 pm I think she is saying good night. I still haven't finished the show. She gives me a hug, like always, but it continue. It goes on for almost a minute. Finally I ask her what is wrong, thinking she is upset about the fight. I get no response. Then I hear her crying. I'm a little more insistent when I ask her 'What is wrong?'
    She finally says, "Promise Me You'll live until I get married?" I'm a little surprised, I thought she would of been more upset about the fight then if I was going to live long enough for her to get married. I promised her I would . Satisfied she goes to bed.
     A couple of days later she asks me what I would do if she got engaged? It's a bit of a long story, but the gist of it is I told her I would approve her getting married when her husband to be has a good job and some money saved. She has to be out of college with a job and can afford to live on her own or their own. I also told her she has only spent a short amount of time with David and if she really wants to spent a life time with him she needs to wait and not add money problems and babies, yeah, mistakes happen, to the mix adding pressure. She said she didn't have to get married right away. I told her not to rush growing up, there is plenty of time. David and her are still just children in a lot of  ways.

I wrote this sometime around now. It is a little disjointed, but I didn't want to get rid of it. I love the title.
The Unintended life

A little back story:
     Nastia hasn't been doing her chores very well lately. She has done a poor job vacuuming, hasn't bought down her laundry on time in a month and today she went to lunch without making time to do her chores,
     Also, Tonight on 'This is Us' we find out how Jack died, There is one point in tonight's episode where Randell, Jack's adopted son talks to his daughter about fostering kids. All through the episode you think this social worker is readying this boy for them, when a white couple walks in, a moment after that an older Randell walks in and you realize the social worker is his daughter.
     My Wife and I both like older houses and enjoy rehabbing them. All of our dogs except Mosha are rescues and our children are adopted. The adopting of the girls is all Teri's doing. I never would of.
     In this day and age where it is not popular to be an immigrant, my wife and I have bought two to America. I can't be prouder of the two of them. They agreed to go to a country with two people they barely knew and where they didn't speak the language. They were as brave or maybe even braver then my relatives that came to America over one hundred years ago.

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