Sunday, July 23, 2017

Job Interviews

Nastia went for a job interview the other day. The concept of not getting a job after an interview with me was an unknown until recently.
     I was given a job with my father delivering milk when I was a little kid. My Brothers and I kept our jobs with my Dad wither We deserved them or not for many years, even to the point when I wanted to leave and felt I couldn't.
    I became the owner of the business in 1989 when my Dad died. I sold the business in February 2000. I was offered a job with Consolidated and kept that job until 2005.My first and only interview during my first period of unemployment was with Marcus Dairy. I landed the job. I left that job returning to Consolidated Dairies in 2013. I felt my interview skills were pretty good at that point. The only problem was the world had changed and I hadn't.
     In 2014, Nastia went for a job interview at AMC, she got the job, it was too easy. She stayed at the job learning and growing as a person. Her final week on the job at AMC, she learned a valuable lesson, I hope.

     She had been warned about using bad language once before. The second time she was caught cursing out another employee who was harassing her, he liked her. She was fired and then compounded that by lying about the reason she was let go, which prompted her mother to go in and question why her daughter was let go. The resulting enlightenment was not pretty and the talking to Nastia received was surprisingly light.
     Now Jobless for over a year and broke this is her first interview and maybe she has learned the value of a job and won't loses them Willie nillie.

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