Friday, March 17, 2017

Who let the Dog out??* and Lights, camera, action?

*Yeah, I know it's a tired line from a song no one should remember, but even in the distant future people will.

Yesterday, I got out of work and had some Nathans, got Bandi from the groomer before heading home to meet the movie people after four. I'll talk more about that later.
     I was greeted at the gate by Mesha, no big deal she knows how to open the door and how to open the gate, but We have a rope on the gate and usually the door gets closed completely with a little lift.
I go inside and see there is a message on the answering machine. A Neighbor, Donna is calling at 9:30 AM saying she sees our dog outside the gate, running around trying to get back in the fence. I do a quick look around and count, all three dogs are here. The message acknowledges that everyone must be at work or school, but she is concerned about the dog getting hit by a car. I thank God for whatever happened and sit down in front of the computer to go on line when the phone rings. I usually don't pick it up, but this time I do and it is Donna our neighbor, who owns Buddy, the other German Shepherd in the neighborhood. She explains how her and her boyfriend saw the dog trying to get back inside and how she ran over to their house and how her boyfriend let the dog in the fence and put a stick in the lock to keep it closed. All this time I'm saying to her thank you, thank you... My fear is Mesha will get out and someone will find her and sell her, not try to return her. This is the sick world we live in today.
     Now to the Movie. A couple of weeks ago I found a flier in my mail box asking us to consider letting a movie production company film the movie, 'I think We're Alone Now'. I jumped on it and they are filming for a day at the house sometime this month and until then it seems like a long stream of people are coming out to look at the house. Today's was the forth time in the last two weeks. They are also coming out Friday and again on Tuesday. Tuesday, they are bring a bus full of people, twenty. It's fun sometimes.

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